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- Definition Troubles, or "You Got Me Effed Up"
- Rise of the Dormant True Great
- Black Americans versus Politics
- OPERATION: Decode Space Force
- Heralding the Return of Jim Crow
- Unauthorized Uppity Freedom Spirit
- Honoring the Deplorable
- The Million Dollar Grift: Protecting Systemic Racism
- Is THIS Civilized?
- Playing the Trump Card of Impotence
- A Duel of Beams and Motes
- Faith in the Faithless
- Poverty Weaponized Against Justice
- The Noise of a Defensive Privileged Entitlement
- The Divine's Gift of Freedom vs Man's Restrictive Traditions
- OPERATION: "Black-Free Whitopias, Phase I" (MAGA Series)
- The Candid Camera of Social Justice
- A New Frontier
- Drawing On Faith
- Third Eye Blind
- The Deplorable Left
- Political Corruption within a Theocracy
- The Trickled-Down Manna from Massa
- ALERT! Lane Departure Warning
- Saving Racism
- Ending Racism (Steps 1 & 2)
- Stalling Progress (Part 1 of 2)
- Stalling Progress (Part 2 of 2)
- The Sabotage of Unfocus
- Domestic Threats of America
- Unfinished Business
- The Internal Dissension of Partisan Schemes
- Change of Command
- A Rival's Petty Glee at Your Internal Strife
- Defense Tactics of the Puppetry Class
- Pale Imitation
- A Whole New World All to Yourself
- Humankind's Homemade Contribution
- Self-Accountability Failure
- A Long-Standing Tradition of Betraying America
- Class Wars: Battle Tactics
- Fear of That Black Karma
- The Long Game of Race War Strategy
- A Routine Sacrifice to Maintain Evil
- The Decoded Noise of Your Silence
- Seven Billion Witnesses
- Black Slave Codes #2,019: The Mercurial Definition of Racist
- The Enemy Among Us
- Giving Away Your Tells
- That Ole Forked-Tongue Delivery
- Well-Trained and Strictly Monitored
- Doodle on Cake Box Lid (Blue Marker & Crayon)
- Only the Righteous
- The Twin Bondage of Cowardice & Disbelief
- Exception to No Public Displays of Black Joy/Contentment
- Trafficking in Hatred
- DECODED: "We Wuz Kangz"
- The Terror of Social Justice
- DECODED: "Stop Resisting"
- Guardians of Whiteness
- The Seductive False Ease of Coonery's Cowardice
- Negotiating Freedom
- Picking at the Lock
- Institutionalized Child Abuse 101
- Temptations of the Fiend
- Uhhh... No, These ARE the Droids
- That Peculiar Institution 2.0
- An Artificially-Imposed Burden of Choice
- 31 Exotic Flavors of Coonery
- Contempt for the Defanged Movement
- Politically Weaponized Relationship (1 of 2)
- Politically Weaponized Relationship (2 of 2)
- When Self-Hate Pretends to Be Love, pt 01
- When Self-Hate Pretends to Be Love, pt 02
- When Self-Hate Pretends to Be Love, pt 03
- Battle Tactics
- Archiving the Sacred
- Anecdotal Fallacy: Coonery Edition
- Dominion Over a Manufactured Delusion
- The Established Rules of Engagement
- DECODED: The Unsolicited 'Honest' Racist Rant
- A Little Bit Partial
- Analyzing a Classic Matrix Glitch
- The Whiteness Narrative (Side B)
- The Whiteness Narrative (Side A)
- Racism's Tradition of Social Engineering
- False Equivalency with a Side of Anecdotal
- Meanwhile, in Crazy Town...
- The Extraordinary Ranks of the Lowly Support Class
- Situational Report: Race War Status Update
- C'ing Your Way Into Intrusion
- Resurrecting Levi
- The Dubious Value of a Pig's Appraisal
- DECODED: Redefining the Racist
- The Questionable Value of an Enemy's Unsolicited Advice
- Casting Calls on the Whitopia Set
- Creating the Goddess
- The True Origin of Racism
- The Narrow Way of the Christ
- The MAGA Beneath
- Flipping Over the Chess Board
- Avoiding Reparations Payments, Spin Job No. 73
- Avoiding Reparations Payments, Spin Job No. 47
- MAGA On My Left
- The Lens of the Age
- Conjuring Style
- Reliving the Dark Deeds of Yesterday
- Implementing the Anti-Black Risk Response Plan
- Inktober 2018 - Poisonous (1/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Tranquil (2/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Roasted (3/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Spell (4/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Chicken (5/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Drooling (6/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Exhausted (7/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Star (8/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Precious (9/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Flowing (10/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Cruel (11/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Whale (12/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Guarded (13/31)
- Rejecting the Call
- Inktober 2018 - Clock (14/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Weak (15/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Angular (16/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Swollen (17/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Bottle (18/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Scorched (19/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Breakable (20/31)
- Breaking the Chains of Plunder
- Inktober 2018 - Drain (21/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Expensive (22/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Muddy (23/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Chop (24/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Prickly (25/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Stretch (26/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Thunder (27/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Gift (28/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Double (29/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Jolt (30/31)
- Inktober 2018 - Slice (31/31)
- The Double Assassination of Malcolm X
- A Home for Our True Heart
- DECODED: Societal Aversion to Rapid Social Change
- The 'Dive' Controversy in Context of Effortless Domination
- Properly Harnessing the Power of the Black Vote
- Real Black Representation
- Election Day: The Triggering
- Election Day II: Rebel Without Direction
- Manufacturing Proof
- Unrealistic Expectations vs High-Level Politics
- Tantrums from the Willfully Blind
- The Projected Anger of Self-Disappointment
- Opting Out of Civilization
- Our Rebellious Tradition of Half-Truth
- The Lonely Road Towards Black Empowerment
- The Business of Being Tired
- Allegiance to Falsehood
- The Devil You Know
- Anti-Black Racism's Peculiar Hypocrisies
- That Artificially Propped Up "Saint"
- GateKeepers of Dubious Black Safe Spaces
- Psychological Warfare
- The Right Tool for the Job
- DECODED: Racist Double-Talk #117 "Victimhood"
- OPERATION: Greystoke
- For the Glory of Money & Monopoly
- That Anti-Black Bi-Partisan Song & Dance
- Fool Me Once...
- Weaponized Nonviolence
- Yelps of the Hit Dog
- Against Threats Foreign & Domestic (but ESPECIALLY domestic)
- The Art of Greed
- Wizard Level Strawman Effigy Fallacy
- Tainted Culture
- Protecting the System
- Courting Betrayal, Courting Sacrifice
- The Vulnerability of True Patriotic Business
- American Obstacles in the Pursuit of Happiness
- Best Shot
- The Original Head Start
- Riding the Wave
- Judgment of the Slave Whisperer
- At the Mercy of the Architects of Every Wind of Doctrine
- Standing Ground: Monopolizing the Front of the Bus
- Here There Be Monsters
- The Triggering
- Ridiculous Symptoms of the 'Personal Preference' Fallacy
- Imperialists Still Imperializing
- The Kooksville Cowardice
- Restrained for Justice
- Riding the User's Train Towards Abuse
- Reclaiming the People's Arsenal
- The Unintended Blowback of the Righteous Stance
- The Dark Side of Youth
- Defang by Gaslight
- You Might be a Racist If...
- Full Commitment
- Damage Control
- Sabotaging the Programming
- FREE Original eBook by M. Rasheed!
- The Formula for Racism
- The Toxicity of Unsolicited 'Advice'
- Communication Glitch
- Rewarding Desired Behavior by Tipping Your Hand
- Tipping Your Hand by Protecting the Devil
- 'Our Revolution' to Protect the Status Quo
- That Growing Reparations Ticket (1619 - Present)
- Inter-Party Bullying and Manipulation Tactics
- Skillfully Managing the Status Quo
- That Ole Unspoken But Understood Clause
- The War Against Greatness
- Condolences from a True Believer
- Nasty Sounds of a Lower-Level Devil's Defense
- The 'Benefit' of Racial Integration
- The Devil's Limited Counsel
- Highly Sensitive to the Thought
- Protecting Racism from the Left-Hand Side
- Decoding the Forked-Tongue Dialect
- Free Agent for Racial Justice
- A Regular Visit by an Old Friend
- Dedicated Coon Support
- Protecting Racism - Boss Level I
- Warrior Class: Calling on the Brave and Few
- The Racist's Contingency Plan
- Hands On: The Workers of Anti-Black Racism
- Better to Remain Silent and Be THOUGHT My Enemy...
- Teasing the Fire of the Black Economic Boycott
- Speaking Up for the Black Nation
- Inconvenient Problems
- Evaluating the Value of Outsider Criticism
- OPERATION: Derailment
- Dark Side of the Profit Motive
- Misdirection as Policy
- The Extraordinarily Deluded
- "Hate" or a Call for Accountability?
- Word Games of the Racist
- Misunderstood
- Spotlighted
- Alone in the Fight
- Weaponized Faux-Misunderstanding
- On Code: Racism's First Line of Defense
- Yes, We Can 2.0
- Committed to Thick
- Unworthy: Warriors of the Bad Fight
- Voice of the Blind
- The Fantastical Delusions of Universal Dominion
- Taking Your Enemy as Teacher and Friend
- A Self-Serving Claim of Progress
- Establishing the New Normal
- Challenging God Empty-Handed
- The Quasi-Amusing End of the Attention Whore
- Tainted Witness
- Guarding the White Aristocracy (By Any Means Necessary)
- The Five-Dollar Negro
- Bodies Without Vision
- Releasing Societal Pressures
- War Games of the 1% Grifter Class
- Molestation of the Golden Rule as National Policy
- Delighting in the Mind's Eye
- Access Denied
- Relinquishing Your Power for What Gain?
- On the Road to Black Empowerment
- Executive Flim-Flammery
- My Brother the Traffic Cop
- The Wily Ways of Predatory Skin Folk
- Antisecret
- Face of My Brother, Words of an Enemy Agenteur
- Carrying the Wrong Dream
- 1968 Intelligence Briefing
- The Defeated Attitude of the Successfully Subjugated
- A Classic Demonstration of Toxic Whiteness
- The Complexities of Social Union
- Fueling the Magic
- The Perks of Whiteness
- Benefits of Racial Integration
- The Power of Mental Enslavement
- Life from Within My Enemy's Vision
- Mythology of the Colonizer
- Tightly-Controlled Reins of Power
- Desperate to Validate the Anti-Black Position
- Careful Handling of the Delicate Whitopian Bubble
- DECODED: Requesting More Racism
- My Teacher, the Enemy Agenteur
- Background Noise of the Fool
- Argument Against Reparations, 1 of 3
- Argument Against Reparations, 2 of 3
- Argument Against Reparations, 3 of 3
- Coming to Get Our Check
- Closing the Racial Divide
- True Believer Dreams
- The Race Problem
- Playing the Coon Card
- "You Keep Using That Word"
- Tu Quoque Du Jour
- Learning How to Repeat the Mistakes of White America
- Dolezalism: Infiltrated by the Enemy
- Sleeper Cells... ACTIVATE!
- Silly, Blackie; Freedom is for Wypipo
- The Miserly Thief
- Worshiping the White Male's Fetish
- Refining the Grift
- White Supremacy's Usurpation of Science
- Weaponizing Poverty
- Broken by Design
- Guardians of Evil
- Ignorant & Disingenuous Pushback Against Reparations
- Repairing Racism's Destruction
- America's Enduring Sin
- Rise of the American Descendants of Slavery
- Dragons Coming Home to Roost
- Reconstruction & the Birth of Modern Domestic Terror
- Violating Natural Rights for Country & Culture
- Comically Self-Serving Analysis
- The Most Precious Asset of All
- Activism is True Patriotism
- The 3-Card Monte of Social Progress
- Disarming ADOS
- Stall Tactics
- The Shallow Deep
- Creating Evil
- Recognizing a Nation
- DECODED: The 'Victimhood' Talking Point
- Saving the Ole Swamp
- Returning to Faithfulness
- The Racist's Upgraded Playbook
- Reclaiming My Power
- Time to Work for Your Living
- Delusions of the Unconscious
- ADOS Lives Matter
- Something Different
- The Weakest Attack
- Evil in Its Triggered State
- Allegiance to Evil
- Progressive Revelation and the Fire of Faith
- Systemic Racism Risk Response Plan
- The True Progress of Me Time
- Advice of the Criminally Self-Serving
- Root Cause and the Enemy's Alternate Definition of the Term
- Priority Trouble
- Does the Fight for Justice Equal Hatred?
- Everyday Domestic Terror
- Putting ALL Your Eggs in a Racist Basket
- The Idiot's Fear of Social Progress
- Idiot's Guide to Coonish Pro-Racism
- A Proud Loyalty to White Supremacy
- The Most Worthless Opinion of All
- What If Homeschooling Had Never Been Invented?
- Searching for the Next Candace
- Following Back the Trail of Sabotage
- Enemy of the People
- Illusions of Power
- The Fake Humanitarian
- The Habit of Justifying Evil
- ADOS v The United States of America
- A Friendly, and Very Generous, Confirmation
- The Proud Thrill of Non-Reform
- Tactics of the Fake Intellectual
- The Zany Adventures of the Privileged Class
- In Defense of the Racist Status Quo
- The New Black Code
- Freedom versus Hate
- Tantrum of the Selfish Thief
- A PSA from the Loyal Conquered
- The New Age Monopoly of Spirit
- The Clumsiest Gaslight
- The Racist's MLK Spin Job
- Additional Penalties Incurred
- A Legacy Boost of Racism
- Exploitation Standard Operating Procedure
- Brat of the Species
- A Racism Pop Quiz
- Racism Attracts Logical Fallacy
- Pest Infestation
- Celebrate Juneteenth 2019
- Win Streak of the False Prophet
- Anti-Black Labeling to Protect the Status Quo
- Critique from the Race Soldier
- War Against Fair Competition
- The Failure of White Rule
- The White Racist Advertising Agency, Inc.
- How to Start a Wo (uh, Civil Wo, that is)
- The Mother of All Flimsy Excuses
- Calling ADOS' Bluff by Keeping It Real
- Abusing Blackness
- Proof of Fake Deep
- Milking Your Luck
- Lies of My Confidant
- Tantrum of the White Racist Aristocracy
- Adding to the White Inventions Folio
- Patriotism Versus Racism
- Stall Tactics 3: Partnering with My Rival
- Heritage Matters
- ADOS On the Crossroads
- Wall of the Frontline Race Soldier
- Savagely Conquered Fair and Square
- Party Loyalty and the Definition of Insanity
- White Supremacy's Problems with Change
- Rigging the Game
- A White Monopoly On That, Too?
- From the Archives of Lessons Learned
- The Barbarian's Impression of a Civilization
- Freedom is Worth the Fight
- A Class of Entitled Thieves
- The Greatest of Expectations
- Better than Money
- Wasted Words of My Dedicated Enemy
- Cyber Attack by an Alt-Right Troll
- Risk Response of the White Racist
- Anti-American Tradition of Prolonging Injustice
- The Exclusive White Male Homosexual Club
- Zero Credibility from the Anti-Reparations Critic
- From the Mouth of the Second Infancy
- Passionate Ignorance of the Racist
- The Foolish Pride Before a Desperate Fall
- The Never-Ending Battle
- MIA: The Political Force of Black Celebrity
- Symbolically Doing Nothing at All
- Super-Countering the Grifter Class
- Revolution Televised Only as Enemy Propaganda Tool
- Neutralizing the Good
- Prerequisite for Abusing Power
- Racism's Filthy Molestation of Legality
- Resurrected for Application of Knowledge
- Hypocrisy of a Skinfolk Rival
- The Power of Politics
- Protecting the Predator
- The Meritorious Manumission Olympics
- Racism's Version of "Honesty"
- Making the Old New
- Message in a Bottle
- Saved by the Grace of the Good Ole Boy Network
- The Compromised Representative
- Standard Operating Procedure
- Hurdles to the Elusive Black Unity
- Brought to Heel
- Beware the 'Five-Dollar ADOS'
- That Bernie Lean
- A Love Affair With Mammon
- Evil's Legal Arm of Protection
- Weaponized Intellectualism
- The White Liberal's Reparations Sabotage
- A Real Black Caucus for the People
- The Bamboozle
- Conflict of Interest
- Placating the Former Competition
- Placating the Former Competition, pt 2
- The Birth of Socialism
- Protecting the Spigot of Plunder
- Protest of the Parasitic Class
- Design Flaw in the Left's Faux Cure-All
- Crony Corporatism vs Communism
- Warmonger: Signs of the Beast
- Closed Ranks
- Unified to Serve One Clique
- Your Solution is the Enemy's Fantasy
- The Follow Through
- A Highly-Diverse Exclusionary Club
- A Characteristic Attack by the Pseudo-Intellectual
- Still Believing Massa
- Weak Justification as a Perk of Dominance
- The 'Color Blind' Guardians of Anti-Black Racism
- Slave Breaking 2.0
- Perks of the Whitopia Playground
- Expert-Level Strawman Argument
- Conflict Between Blind Ideology vs Common Sense
- Conflict Between Truth vs the Mainstream Narrative
- Countering the Verisimilitude of the Enemy
- Shortchanging Yourself in Your Selflessness
- The 'Diversity' Okie-Doke
- How to Prevent a Violent Mob Uprising
- "Ring" - Inktober 2019 (1/31)
- "Mindless" - Inktober 2019 (2/31)
- "Bait" - Inktober 2019 (3/31)
- "Freeze" - Inktober 2019 (4/31)
- "Build" - Inktober 2019 (5/31)
- "Husky" - Inktober 2019 (6/31)
- "Enchanted" - Inktober 2019 (7/31)
- "Frail" - Inktober 2019 (8/31)
- "Swing" - Inktober 2019 (9/31)
- "Pattern" - Inktober 2019 (10/31)
- "Snow" - Inktober 2019 (11/31)
- "Dragon" - Inktober 2019 (12/31)
- "Ash" - Inktober 2019 (13/31)
- "Overgrown" - Inktober 2019 (14/31)
- "Legend" - Inktober 2019 (15/31)
- "Wild" - Inktober 2019 (16/31)
- "Ornament" - Inktober 2019 (17/31)
- "Misfit" - Inktober 2019 (18/31)
- "Sling" - Inktober 2019 (19/31)
- "Tread" - Inktober 2019 (20/31)
- "Treasure" - Inktober 2019 (21/31)
- "Ghost" - Inktober 2019 (22/31)
- "Ancient" - Inktober 2019 (23/31)
- "Dizzy" - Inktober 2019 (24/31)
- "Tasty" - Inktober 2019 (25/31)
- "Dark" - Inktober 2019 (26/31)
- "Coat" - Inktober 2019 (27/31)
- "Ride" - Inktober 2019 (28/31)
- "Injured" - Inktober 2019 (29/31)
- "Catch" - Inktober 2019 (30/31)
- "Ripe" - Inktober 2019 (31/31)
- Everyone but Me
- The Unfounded Anger of the Fiend
- Caring for the Evil Psyche
- The True Nature of the War Against Capitalism
- The Ongoing Battle Against Racism, Incorporated
- Treachery by Gaslight
- Fragility of the Colonizer
- The Racist War Against Capitalism
- A Long Overdue Political Rival Time-Out
- Rise of the Impotent Racism Fluff-Piece Literature
- Classic Games of the White Supremacists
- The Uphill Climb Awaiting after ADOS Empowerment
- Why Byron Allen is Suing Comcast Corporation and the FCC
- She Can Do It: Protecting 'Greatness'
- Confidently Gaming the System
- The Anti-Black History of the 'Black-Brown Alliance'
- WANTED: An Influential Think-Tank
- Fake Beef
- My Fake Problem vs Your Real Problem
- The Dormant Power of the People
- Opting for Real Politics
- Defending My Right to Abuse the System
- The Value in a Name
- Basic Math
- No Luxury for Slacking
- Now Pre-Registering for the Pan-African Ideal
- Playing for Keepsies
- Critique of the Master Manipulator
- The Wannabe Friend of My Enemy is My Enemy
- Purification in the Fires of Candid & Courageous Critique
- Symptom of a Psychosis
- Faith in a Higher Ideal
- To Stand not High, but Alone
- The Narrowed Focus of Self-Preservation
- The Easiest Mystery of All
- The Ultimate Bipartisan Collaboration
- Circumventing the Surveillance State
- The 'Shut-You-Up' Princess Party
- Sacrificing America for Whiteness
- Hot Wind of the Indoctrinated Self-Hating Black
- Time to Replace the Integration Era Black Politician Class
- Running with Idiots
- My Enemy's Recommended Antiracism Protest Method
- Masterminds of the Diversity Effort
- Compromised Muse
- Defending the Voice of Oppression
- Honestly Expressing an Oppressive Fantasy
- Protecting Racism by Attempting to...
- Partisan Accountability by Flex
- Democrats Talking Crazy to Their...
- Better Put Some Aloe Vera On That Bern
- When White Entitlement and White Fragility Collide
- Assembly for the Serious
- Dirty Hands of a Willfully Impotent Cross
- Calling Down Fire
- The Fiend as Friend and Confidant
- A Gift Basket of Thoughts, Prayers...
- Errand Boy
- Hate Projection by Gaslight
- Self-Sabotage of a Tainted Identity
- 400 Years of First-Degree Sexual Misconduct
- Loophole: How to Be a 'Good Person' in the White...
- Willful Ignorance by Gaslight
- All Roads Lead to ADOS Reparations
- Insufficient Funds
- Maximizing Profits in a 'Diverse' White-Owned Monopoly
- Threatening the Post-Racial Fantasy
- If It Ain't Broke, Keep Exploiting It
- History Without the Pro-Racism Filter
- A New Understanding
- Political Chess Opening with the Fiend
- Mental Infiltration by the Enemy
- The Parasitic Dominant Group
- Cheap Soul for Sale
- Skinfolk Attacks on Truth Supports White Supremacy
- The Next American Pagan Idol
- Shamed into Returning to Impotent Disunity
- Political Arm of Black American Liberation
- American Bully
- Anxious to Create a Dismissive Narrative of Religion
- Call to Strengthen the Political Arm of Black Liberation
- Fragility of the Gatekeeper's Strongest Weapon
- Unlearning to Serve the Machine
- Reign of the Bully
- Recruitment in a 'Post-Racial' Society
- The 'How Come' Stereotype Game
- That Sure Bet
- False Equivalency as a Racist Badge
- Request for an Exemption
- Too Much Tiptoe in a Time of Outrage
- Aggressively Protecting the Status Quo
- Hate in the Guise of Research
- Media Campaign to Sabotage Anti-Racism Activism
- When the Spoiled and Entitled Play Politics
- Politics as a Playground for the Rich
- Selfish Greed is Divisive Hatred
- A Monopolist's Buzz Kill
- Racism’s Front Line of Defense
- Commissioning the Gatekeeper Class
- The Socially Engineered Weaponization of Poverty
- Defusing Racism’s Marketing Arm
- Racist Mockery, Fake Apology, Repeat
- The One Percent’s Heritage of Hate
- The Suffering of Fools Expiry Date
- The Latest Stall Tactic
- White Supremacy’s Leftist Chapter
- Struggling to Apathetically Find a Black Pulse Without Lo...
- The One Percent’s War Against the People
- Racism’s Last Line of Defense
- The Self-Serving Pseudo-Philosophy of the One Percent
- Proselytizing of the Red Parasite
- Admiring the Wrong Stuff
- Commissioning the Unworthy Hero
- Constraints of Evil Life Choices
- Dream of the Most Time Wasting Presidency
- Lessons Learned: Avoiding the Mistakes & Duplicating the...
- ERROR CODE: Inadequate Explanation
- Strategically Voting in Your Self-Interest is the Highest...
- Misplaced Loyalty Again
- [NOW AVAILABLE] From Here to Equality: Reparations for Bl...
- 'Is This Your King?' - Mentality of the Dominant Group
- Aftermath of Another Cowardly and Half-Assed Campaign
- A Major Objective Towards the Reparations Agenda Goal
- Politics Through Different Eyes
- Berning Da Blacks
- Ally or Agent
2019 Glyph Comics Award Winner (BEST COMIC STRIP OR WEBCOMIC)! -- Rasheed, Muhammad. "The Most Worthless Opinion of All." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 22 May 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color. <>