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Become a PatronPrologue
1.1: BL Team?!
1.2: Who is this guy?
1.3: Something's up with him
1.4: That doesn't make sense
1.5: Plan A
1.6: Plan B
1.7: No thanks!
2.1: I think you're cute
2.2: Let's just stay here
2.3: We're cool?
2.4: Plan C
2.5: You like me, don't you?
2.6: I said I'm fine!
2.7: Hold on tight to me
3.1: Safety First
3.2: Hmm?
3.3: You're making me feel...
3.4: What about you
3.5: Take responsibility!
3.6: Just shut up and kiss me!
3.7: Not so fast, bro
3.8: You need to be punished
3.9: I can't wait
3.10: You like kissing me?
3.11: My mouth will shut you up
4.1: I have all night
4.2: Your body tells otherwise
4.3: I don't really care anymore
4.4: I've completely lost it
4.5: Just do it
4.6: Can't even get past this
4.7: Cheater...
5.1: Good morning~
5.2: Can you put on something?!
5.3: Heh, cute.
5.4: What did I get myself into?
5.5: Get yourself together!
5.6: It's our secret, then
5.7: C'mon, stop lying
5.8: We had a deal!
5.9: You owe me a lot now
5.10: What other stuff?
5.11: I don't believe you!
5.12: I'm rooting for you~
1st Anniversary Special 1
1st Anniversary Special 2
1st Anniversary Special 3
6.1: Blessing in disguise!
6.2: Is this what destiny means?
6.3: Huh?
6.4: Why do you have these?!
6.5: Where could he be?
6.6: I-I have one...
6.7: Why am I even thinking of this now?!
6.8: We should do the "thing" now
6.9: I refuse!
6.10: I'm not gay...
6.11: I have no idea where to start
6.12: I want to see you lose your cool
6.13: Eat Well :)
6.14: I need to talk to you
Merry Christmas~
Happy New Year~
7.1: What's up?
7.2: You wanna date?
7.3: Let's date then!
7.4: There must be some catch here
7.5: There's no fooling you, is there?
7.6: Man, you're so sensitive!
7.7: Challenge Accepted
Happy Valentines! <3
7.8: Would you just end the night?
7.9: Aren't you a fast one
7.10: Happy?
7.11: Self-control?!
Happy Spring~
7.12: Size isn't everything
8.1: What are you spacing out for?!
8.2: I've come to my senses
Happy Birthday, Clay!
8.3: I'll show you who's top!
8.4: You better shut up
Special: 50K subs Q&A!
8.5: What's your next course of action
8.6: It slipped out on its own
50K Subs Special 1
Happy Pride 2024!~
50K Subs Special 2
8.7: Reward
8.8: This is cheating!
8.9: One...
8.10: Two...
8.11: You're going to lose anyway
8.12: Not one more word
Happy Summer~
9.1: Haven't changed one bit
9.2: Shouldn't he be more affected?
9.3: I should've seen this coming!
9.4: That was it?
9.5: I'm stupid
9.6: No one can disturb us here
9.7: You do have something to say
Happy Birthday, Dean!~
9.8: What the heck...
9.9: Can you hear it?
9.10: I've chosen to embrace them
9.11: I won't deceive myself anymore
Happy Halloween~
9.12: I appreciate it
Happy Autumn~
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
9.13: Getting there
10.1: Am I just lucky?
10.2: It is that simple
10.3: How about my place?
10.4: Alright alright
Happy Holidays!~
10.5: I don't trust myself
10.6: Look at them go
10.7: Who says I'm hiding?
10.8: Stop asking for permission, dude
Happy Valentine's!
10.9: Huff
10.10: Dude...
10.11: Quite an experience