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Become a PatronCover + Synopsis
Prologue (Part 1)
Prologue (Part 2)
Chapter 1 - Asha Beatrix
Chapter 2 - The Wanderer (Part 1)
Chapter 2 - The Wanderer (Part 2)
Chapter 3 - Emperor Vasilias (Part 1)
Chapter 3 - Emperor Vasilias (Part 2)
Chapter 4 - Alex and Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 4 - Alex and Kerensa (Part 2)
Chapter 5 - The Tournament (Part 1)
Chapter 5 - The Tournament (Part 2)
Chapter 6 - Survival Game (Part 1)
Chapter 6 - Survival Game (Part 2)
Chapter 7 - The Shadow Man's Identity (Part 1)
Chapter 7 - The Shadow Man's Identity (Part 2)
Chapter 8 - Sightless (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - Sightless (Part 2)
Chapter 9 -The Last Four Standing (Part 1)
Chapter 9 -The Last Four Standing (Part 2)
Hi beloved readers! It's been a while! We're proud to share with you all once again, the remake of our very first series "The Villain's Lament"! As part of our launch with the Tapas platform (where we got an offer and you can read Early Access chapters), we are relaunching this series here to keep up with the changes and avoid confusion. We hope you like it. Thank you so much for all the support!