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Become a Patron- Prologue-1
- Prologue-2
- Prologue-3
- 1
- 2
- 3
- The Devil that embraces the Priest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- 4
- November Wallpaper
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- Chinese new year dinner party
- 12
- 13-1
- 13-2
- 14
- Forest day
- 15
- 16
- 17-1
- 17-2
- 18
- 19-1
- 19-2
- 20-1
- 20-2
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28-1
- 28-2
- 29
- June Wedding
- 30
- 31-1
- 31-2
- 32-1
- 32-2
- 33-1
- 33-2
- 34-1
- 34-2
- 35-1
- 35-2
- 36
- 37-1
- 37-2
- 38-1
- 38-2
- 39-1
- 39-2
- 40-1
- 40-2
- 41-1
- 41-2
- 42-1
- Notice
- 42-2
- 2021 Canvas Awards
- 43-1
- 43-2
- 44-1
- 44-2
- Notice: Spanish translation
- New Cover + new episodes
- 45-1
- 45-2
- 46-1
- 46-2
- Vote begin!
- 47-1
- 47-2
- 48-1
- 48-2
- Holiday break
- 49-1
- 49-2
- 50-1
- 50-2
- 51-1
- 51-2
- 52-1
- 52-2
- 53-1
- 53-2
- 54-1
- 54-2
- 55-1
- 55-2
- Short break - inksgiving wallpaper
- 56-1
- 56-2
- 57-1
- 57-2
- 58-1
- 58-2
- 59-1
- 59-2
- 60-1
- 60-2
- 61-1
- 61-2
- 62-1
- 62-2
- 63-1
- 63-2
- 64-1
- 64-2
- AU - high school
- 65-1
- 65-2
- 66-1
- 66-2
- 67-1
- 67-2
- 68-1
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- 69-1
- 69-2
- 70-1
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- 71-1
- 71-2
- 72-1
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- 73-1
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- 74-1
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- 75-1
- 75-2
- Notice: new episode
- 76-1
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- 77-1
- 77-2
- 78-1
- 78-2
- 79-1
- 79-2
- 80-1
- 80-2
- 81-1
- 81-2
- 82-1
- 82-2
- 83-1
- 83-2
- 84-1
- 84-2
- Wallpaper: Cyrus x Petra
- 85-1
- 85-2
- 86-1
- 86-2
- 87-1
- 87-2
- Dessert Collab 🍰
- 88-1
- 88-2
- Vote for Canvas Awards 2022
- 89-1
- 89-2
- 90-1
- 90-2
- Academy uniform voting
- 91-1
- 91-2
- 92-1
- 92-2
- Choose your Daddy
- 93-1
- 93-2
- 94-1
- 94-2
- 95-1
- 95-2
- 96-1
- 96-2
- 97-1
- 97-2
- 98-1
- 98-2
- 99-1
- 99-2
- Bottom Night Pub
- 100-1
- 100-2
- 101-1
- 101-2
- Notice: new episode
- 102-1
- 102-2
- 103-1
- 103-2
- 104-1
- 104-2
- 105-1
- 105-2
- 106-1
- 106-2
- 107-1
- 107-2
- 108-1
- 108-2
- 109-1
- 109-2
- 110-1
- 110-2
- 111-1
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- 111-3
- 112-1
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- 113-1
- 113-2
- 114-1
- 114-2
- 115-1
- 115-2
- 116-1
- 116-2
- 117-1
- 117-2
- 118-1
- 118-2
- 119-1
- 119-2
- 120-1
- 120-2
- Please read
- 121-124
- 125-1
- 125-2
- 126-1
- 126-2
- 127-1
- 127-2
- Q&A
- 128-1
- 128-2
- Wallpaper
- 129-1
- 129-2
- 130-1
- 130-2
- Notice: new episode
- 131-1
- 131-2
- 132-1
- 132-2
- 133-1
- 133-2
- 134-1
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- 134-3
- 134-4
- 135-1
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- 135-3
- 136-1
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- 136-3
- 137-1
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- 137-3
- 138-1
- Notice: new chapter
- 139
- 140
- 140: 19+ version
- 141-1
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- 141-3
- Notice: new chapter
- 142-1
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- 142-3
- Notice: new chapter
- 143-1
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- 143-3
- Notice: new chapter
- 144-1
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- 144-3
- Notice: new chapter
- 145-1
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- Notice: new chapter
- 146-1
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- 147-1
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- 147-3
- 148-1
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- 148-3
- 149-1
- 149-2
- 149-3
- Notice: new ads episode!
- 150-1
- 150-2
- 150-3
- Notice: new ads episode!
- 151-1
- 151-2
- 151-3
- 152-1
- 152-2
- 152- 3
- 153-1
- 153-2
- 153-3
- Notice: new ads episode!
- 154-1
- 154-2
- 154-3
- Notice: new ads episode!
- 155 (mature only)
- 156-1
- 156-2
- 156-3
- Notice: new ads episode!
Thank you so much for everyone who offers help for proofreading this comic, and Cony for the hard work to proofread this webtoon script. I hope you enjoy this webtoon!