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Become a PatronChapter 1 - Warrior From The Past
Grandfather's Tale, Part 1
Grandfather's Tale, Part 2
The Coronation, Part 1
The Coronation, Part 2
The Warlock, Part 1
The Warlock, Part 2
The Slumber
The Future
Chapter 2: Assemble The Crew - The Shock
The Doctor's Analysis
A Rise In Status?
How did you find me?
The New Future
The Promotion
The Christening
Meeting The Crew
The Maiden Voyage
The Launch
Bonus Page: The New Secretary
Chapter 3: Heroes Awaken - Reaching the Sphere
The Pirate Captain
How'd He Get In?
Prepare For Battle!
Begin the Pillaging!
Battle On All Fronts
The Turn of the Tide
Split It Wide Open!
The Final Bout
The New Line of Heroes
BONUS: Kevlaron's New Sword
Chapter 4: King of the Forgotten Planet
The Rendezvous
The Other Captains
Break it up, break it up!
The Artifact
Where'd it go?
The Mage's Apprentice
We Found It
The King's Message
Chapter 5: Star Crossed
Meet the Princess
Escorting the Princess
A Tour of the Ship
Don't Interrupt The Couple
Save The Princess...again!
Meet The Groom
Weren't Meant To Be
But It's Time To Face The Truth...
Catching Up With Friends
Chapter 6: The Story of the Captain's First Adventure
Once Upon A Time...
The Source of the Roaring
Free the Dragon
The Captured Dragon
The Dragon's Gratitude
Why are they telling us all this? It's plot exposition, it has to go somewhere.