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- Sucka Punch - Intro
- Sucka Punch - Act 1 Part 1
- SuckaPunch - Act 1 Part 2
- SuckaPunch - Act2 Part 1
- SuckaPunch! Act 2 Part 2
- SuckaPunch! Act 3 Part 1
- SuckaPunch! Act 3 Part 2
- The Hard Way! Intro
- The Hard Way! Act 1 Part 1
- The Hard Way! Act 1 Part 2
- The Hard Way! Act 2 Part 1
- The Hard Way! Act 2 Part 2
- The Hard Way! Act 3 Part 1
- The Hard Way! Act 3 Part 2
- The Hard Way! Act 3 Part 3
- Double Crossed! Intro
Production Note: I wanted to draw JK Simmons' likeness as the attorney here. So Im searching around for images and references to draw. After drawing this page, I go to work the next day. Walk out of my office, And guess who is walking down the hall? JK SIMMONS! I was star-struck! I was like "REALLY!?" He and a film crew passed by and I was speechless.