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01: The Gem Mountains / 2023 REDRAW!
02: A Necklace
03:Wildfire Pack
07: Escape
08:Falling Star
09:A Dream
10: A mysterious past
11: Failure
12: Memories
13: Departure
14: Encounter
15: Space
16: The Past
17: Enemy Territory
18: Time
19: Brothers
20: Trust
21: Endangering the Pack
22: Backstories
23: Messenger
24: Third Pack
25: Gathering
26: Drake's Persuasion
27: Beginning the Journey
28: Old Friend ( 1 year anniversary special! )
29: Linked
30: Fourth One
31: Justice
32: Lake's Aura
33: Stranger
34: The Archsorcerer
35: As Prophecised
36: Fire
37: Eyes In The Shadow
38: Snowstorm Pack
Canvas Festival Special!
Canvas Festival Special 2!
39: Sky's Guards
40: Long Time
41: Loyal Fighters
42: The Plan
43: Convincing
44: Attack!
45: Rebels
46: Trial
47: The Right Side
48: Error
49: Taking Action
50: Family Business
51: Hidden Memories
52: Mother Knows Best
53: Greater Good
54: Demotion
55: After the Storm
55: After The Storm II
56: Casualties
57: Without Magic
58: New Beginning
59: Unexpected Ally
60: Old Legend
61: Disappointing
62: Heritage
63: Gift of Prophecy
64: Lake Portal
65: Visitor
66: Into The Kingdom
67: Business With The Archsorcerer
68: Saturna's Secrets
69: Worries
70: Out There
71: Destination
72: The Entry
73: Depths
74: Assembly
75: Rescue Mission
76: Someone Who Can Help
77: Long Gone
78: Ancient Magic
79: Uneasy
80: Stalactites
81: Luminescence
82: Mountain Storm
83: The Stone Of Elements
84: Dive
85: Confessions
86: Pouring Rain
87: Unstable Ground
88: Panic
89: Underwater
90: To the Rescue
91: Emerged
92: Revived
93: Healing
94: Stubborn Magic
95: Gem Thief
4th Anniversary Special!
96: Deep Blue
97: The Exiled One
98: Afraid
99: A Message
100: Insomnias
101: Mistrust
102: Messenger
103: Resolution
104: What Now?
105: Surrounded
106: Punishment
107: Left Behind
108: Visions of Fire
109: Ghost of the Gems
110: Fire And Ash
111: Run Forever
112: Displaced
113: Magical Reunion
114: Flesh Wounds
115: All Together
116: Not That Simple
(Late) 5th Anniversary Special!
117: Magical Entity
118: Nothing
Sorry for the shortness of this episode, I've been busy lately