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- Chapter 1. Bag, bag and another bag
- Chapter 2. А lot of water
- Chapter 3. Numbers larger than three
- Chapter 4. Low sun
- Chapter 5. Vagabond and outsider
- Chapter 6. Stone medicine
- Сhapter 7. In the tall grass
- Chapter 8. The threat
- Chapter 9. Fire signals
- Chapter 10. Unspecified uses
- Chapter 11. Following the star
- Chapter 12. Types of power
- Chapter 13. Hot rock
- Chapter 14. Helping paw
The packers are running away from the pyroclastic flow! Dangerous! Firemaker is running the last. Even Butcher on three paws is running ahead of Firemaker. That's because the Firemaker recently got sulfur vapor poisoning (Knower too, but Knower is older and larger than Firemaker). Next chapter will be February 1!