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Ordering Food
Wrong Person
You're Too Slow!
Come Again?
Compliment Gone Wrong
Where's the Joke?
Public Speaking
Who Me?
Randomly Unplugged
That's Not Him...
Messed Up My Lines
Speaking At The Wrong Moment
Copy Cat
Wrong Time To Come In...
The Daily Handshake Fail
Don't Stop Me Now?
¿Hablas Español?
Unintentional Stalking
High Five?
When Volume Control Isn't Your Best Friend...
(STATUS UPDATE) Be Back Next Week...
Remember Me?
Time to Release!
(UPDATE 2) :/
Good Game...
The Girl With Magic Ways
Long Time, No See (UPDATE)
I'm Sorry...
There was this other time where I was in Target looking for clothes when I just randomly started daydreaming. That's when I realized I was staring at someone in the distance, and they were just casually staring back at me. I think we made some sort of connection that day...