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Become a Patron0 - Foreword
1 - Summer Swelter
2 - Pleasant Travels
3 - Charlotte's Cozy Abode
4 - Tea Time
5 - An Adventurer
6 - Rumor Has It
7 - Bromar's Bar Brawl
8 - Look On The Blight Side
9 - It's Dangerous To Go Alone
10 - Baby It's Cold Outside
11 - An Adventurer... Right?
12 - Snapback
13 - Outfoxed
14 - Taking Inventory
15 - Toss-Up
16 - Vs. Dire Rat
17 - A Light In The Distance
18 - Investigate The Room
19 - Investigate The Mural
20 - Investigate The Stranger
21 - Introductions Are In Order
22 - Bridging The Gap
23 - Vs. Crypt Spiders
24 - Of Vital Importance
25 - Step By Step
26 - The Hall Of Doors
27 - Running In Circles
28 - A Fiery Temper
29 - Vs. Bromar (Part 1)
30 - Vs. Bromar (Part 2)
31 - Vs. Bromar (Part 3)
32 - Vs. Bromar (Part 4)
33 - One Sleepy Sheepy
34 - Ask And You Shall Receive
35 - Under The Knife
36 - Salizar's Crown
37 - The Eye Of The Storm
38 - Pickles & Pineapples
39 - A Spring In Your Step
40 - Thaw (S1 Finale)
Continue? (S1 Recap)
41 - Expositions & Expeditions (S2 Premiere)
42 - Words of Advice
43 - Quest Request
44 - Character Select
45 - Window Shopping
46 - Four-Finger Discount
47 - The Gang's All Here
48 - Our Lady Hope
Ballot Bawks (S2 Intermission)
49 - Seas The Day
50 - Take The Bait
51 - Hooked On A Feeling
52 - Small Fry
53 - Permission Slip-Up
54 - Super Rod
The Lighting Of The Candles (S2 Intermission)
55 - A Reel Keeper
56 - Poisson Poison
57 - Fishing For Forgiveness
58 - Catch And Release
59 - Motivations
60 - Pazou's Bastion (S2 Checkpoint)
=== END SEASON 1 === Thank you for reading Tales of Tyveria! It's been an exciting ride making the series so far, considering we were making it up as we go (with plenty of help from our readers)! It will be a while before Tales of Tyveria resumes (Summer 2024 or later), but rest assured that we'll be using all that we've learned to make Season 2 even better. Bye for now! === PROGRESS SAVED ===