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- Meet Orias
- In the Beginning...
- Back to School!
- End of Day
- A Whole New Day
- I Guess You Could Say We Have Chemistry
- The Queen of Oberon
- Confrontation
- Homeward Bound
- Awakening
- What a Beautiful Day!
- Dandelion
- A Quick Announcement!
- Spoopy Scary Vampires
- Death and Deliberation
- We Live in a Society...
- Fear the New Day
- Contest Winners!
- Revelations Pt.1
- Revelations Pt.2
- Mother Knows Best
- Baby Bois (21.5)
- New in Town
- Town Maps
- Return With Caution!
- Review and Reconcilliation
- So About That Dance...
- It all Started...
- Strong Boys Cry Too
- A Lil Announcement...
- Wanna meet my bunny, honey?
- Family Life
- Where's my baby?
- Wake up Call
- Do you See What I See?
- Lunch Time
- Lunch Time Pt.2
- H-Human?
- Curse
- Amanda Rose
- *EXTRA* Birthday Boy!
- I've never told anyone...
- a little break
- Recognition of the Past
- Beholding
- Written in the Cards
- Home
- Family Ties
- Destiny
- Why Should I Believe you?
- A Dance?
- A Date?
- Dance the Night Away Pt.1
- Dance the Night Away Pt.2
- End of Part 2 Q&A
- New Cover!
- Death at Oberon Highschool
- Friend of Foe?
- Vampires and the Forces of Evil
- True Sight
- *extra* The History of Vampires!
- Wake up Call
- Eye of the Tiger
- Another quick announcement (SEE YOU ON NOV 5TH)
- Extra: Q&A
- Halloween Collab!
- Everything's Better With Chicken Soup
- Dreams
- Vital Information
- Loose Ends
- Happy New Year!
- End Times Pt.1
- End Times Pt.2
- End Times Pt.3 (Finale)
- *NEW COMIC * Announcement!!
Oh revelations are finally upon us? So sorry for the late update! It has been a crazy week for us, but we should be getting back to our normal schedule in the next weeks. Thanks so much for your support! See you next week!