Tainted Hearts
- #017 Sep 20, 2020 like372 #18 EDIT
- #016 Sep 20, 2020 like380 #17 EDIT
- #015 Sep 20, 2020 like388 #16 EDIT
- #014 Sep 20, 2020 like379 #15 EDIT
- #013 Sep 20, 2020 like376 #14 EDIT
- #012 Sep 20, 2020 like371 #13 EDIT
- #011 Sep 20, 2020 like371 #12 EDIT
- #010 Sep 20, 2020 like377 #11 EDIT
- #009 Sep 20, 2020 like381 #10 EDIT
- #008 Sep 20, 2020 like386 #9 EDIT
- view 617,594
- subscribe 5,106
- grade 9.43 RATE
Tainted Hearts is a canine comic about the differences and equalities of two kinds of wolves and how far they will go to find trust to each other after a great betrayel in the past.
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
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