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Pilot: I Love You My One and Only!
Pilot-Part 1: Crushed by a Crush
Pilot-Part 2: Pop-Up Ads
Pilot-Part 3: INCOMING!!
Pilot-Part 4: The Boy and the Love God
Pilot-Part 5: Big NOPE
Pilot-Part 6: Music Room Meet-Up
Pilot-Part 7: Garden Get-Together
Pilot-Part 8: Cute Pocket Dimension
Pilot-Part 9: BATHSALTS!!...wait.
Pilot-Part 10: SoulMates and BrokenHearts
Pilot-Part 11: Tutorial Fight
Pilot-Part 12: Tutorial Fight
Pilot-Part13: Tutorial Fight
Pilot-Part14: The MOST Super
Pilot-END: The BEST at this!
[FILLER] Quick Profiles!!
[SuperSHORT]: In Common
Episode1: The Battle with Apathy
Ep1-Part0: Loading...
Ep1-Part1: Push Yourself
Ep1-Part2: The Light Star Theatre
Ep1-Part3: The Piano Boys
Ep1-Part4: Vic Sully Fischer
Ep1-Part5: Blood in the Water
Ep1-Part6: One More Rose
Ep1-Part7: Pushing Buttons
Ep1-Part8: One Less Rose
Ep1-Part9: The Golden Boy
Ep1-Part10: A Close One
Ep1-Part11: Boy Troubles
[Commercial BREAK]
[SuperSHORT]: Rosemary's First PRIDE!
Ep1-Part12: The Plan
Ep1-Part13: Apathetic
Ep1-Part14: Don't Die
Ep1-Part15: The Amazin Brad!!
Ep1-Part16: SuperChic Rosemary!!
Ep1-Part17: Special Abilities UNLOCKED
Ep1-Part18: Dynamic Duo
Ep1-Part19: Heart Chakrams
Ep1-Part20: ROMEO
Ep1-Part21: Heart Salvager
Ep1-END: In Too Deep
[RERUN] Fall Collab 2021!!
[SuperSHORT]: Chic Cute!!
[FILLER]: Happy Valentine's Day!!
Episode 2: First Date
Ep2-Part0: Loading...
Ep2-Part1: Garage Gathering
Ep2-Part2: Not Twins
Ep2-Part3: Cage Diving
Ep2-Part4: Super Important
Ep2-Part5: Bowling for Answers
Ep2-Part6: Don't Think About It
Ep2-Part7: Blood in the Water II
Ep2-Part8: Back in Action
Ep2-Part9: Sniped
Ep2-END: Walk Me Home?
[FILLER] Q&A: PartOne!!
[FILLER] Q&A: PartTwo!!
Episode 3: Stupid Cupid
Ep3-Part0: Loading...
Ep3-Part1: Made For Him
Ep3-Part2: Love Investigation
Ep3-Part3: Winged Stranger
Ep3-Part4: Rose Thief
Ep3-Part5: Love Interrogation
Ep3-Part6: Sounds Like A Plan
Ep3-Part7: True Soulmate?
Ep3-Part8: AP Fans
Lol the pink haired fan is me. I'm biased. I play favorites~ cx