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- Ch. 1 - The Investigation Begins
- Ch. 2 - Investigators
- Ch. 3 - Splitting Up
- Ch. 4 - Water Damage and Spectral Activity
- Ch. 5 - Dedication to the Job
- Happy Halloween from Frozen Pines!
- Ch. 6 - Poltergeist
- Ch. 7 - Specter Spotted
- Ch. 8 - Clarifications
- Ch. 9 - Not-So-Ancient History
- Ch. 10 - Brainstorming Session
- Ch. 11 - Broadcast
- Ch. 12 - Three's a Crowd
- Strange Tails resumes on Jan. 11, 2023!
- Ch. 13 - Prankster
- Ch. 14 - Town Culture
- Ch. 15 - New Equipment
- Ch. 16 - Opportunity Knocks
- Ch. 17 - Hirsch Lodge
- Ch. 18 - Past Mistakes
- Ch. 19 - Local Interference
- Ch. 20 - Dance Hall
- The Three Investigators (Back soon!)
- Ch. 21 - Unobservant Observations
- Ch. 22 - The Haunting of Hirsch Lodge
- Ch 23. - Valiant Heroics
- Ch. 24 - For the Greater Good
- Ch. 25 - Static in Motion
- Ch. 26 - Reconvene
- Ch. 27 - Differing Priorities
- Ch. 28 - An Intercepted Departure
- Ch. 29 - Listening Skills
- Ch. 30 - Innuendo
- Ch. 31 - Not Crazy After All
- Ch. 32 - Delayed Segment
- Ch. 33 - Connecting the Dots
- Ch. 34 - Revelations on the Go
- Ch. 35 - Interception
- Ch. 36 - Incorporeal Pros and Cons
- Ch. 37 - Vacation
- Ch. 38 - Bad Table Manners
- Strange Tails will return next week!
- Ch. 39 - Pie Communiqué
- Ch. 40 - The Cult Convenes
- Ch. 41 - The Gift
- Ch. 42 - Schemes
- Ch. 43 - The Hour Draws Nigh
- Ch. 44 - The Old Wounds
- Ch. 45 - Old Lord Al Wald-bren'n
- Ch. 46 - Research Failure
- Ch. 47 - Strange Side Effects
- Ch. 48 - Fleeing the Ritual
- One Year of Strange Tails!
- Ch. 49 - The Fall of the Hirsch Lodge
- Ch. 50 - Just One Question
- Ch. 51 - Avoiding Libel
- Ch. 52 - Coffee Pranks
- Ch. 53 - Matters of Appearance
- Ch. 54 - Less Fond Memories
- Ch. 55 - Branded Content
- Strange Tails returns Dec. 20!
- Ch. 56 - Sponsorship Gripes
- Happy Holidays from KHNT, 2023
- Ch. 57 - CEO Robert Schloss
- Ch. 58 - Bustlé Core Values
- Ch. 59 - Community Service
- Ch. 60 - Dawning Deja Vu
- Ch. 61 - Anne's Personal Policy
- Ch. 62 - Investigation Discussion
- Ch. 63 - Rapid Escalation
- Ch. 64 - Professional Distractions
- Ch. 65 - Polite, Professional, and Efficient
- Ch. 66 - Paper Trail
- Ch. 67 - Eavesdrop
- Ch. 68 - Busted
- Ch. 69 - Need-to-Know Basis
- Ch. 70 - This Is What You Want, Right?
- Strange Tails will return... eventually!
- Strange Tails returns on October 2!
- Ch. 71 - Back To Where It All Began
- Ch. 72 - Lack of Intel
- Ch. 73 - Pincer Movement
- Ch. 74 - A PR Fiasco
- Ch. 75 - Olde Magick Schemin'
- Ch. 76 - "You Can't Take It With You"
- Ch. 77 - History Repeating
- Ch. 78 - Percy.
- Ch. 79 - Triage
- Ch. 80 - Through the Looking Glass
- Ch. 81 - Newly Corporeal