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Become a Patron01. Shameless
02. Triggered
03. Survived
04. Everything & Nothing
05. Tally
06. Who is he?
07. No Way
08. =^=
09. Serious
10. Fallen
11. Go Out
12. Oops
13. A Job
14. A Date..?
15. Fools
16. Abuse of Power
17. Photo Bomb
18. Is He...?
19. Heart Attack
20. An Ironic Name
QnA 1
21. Next Time
22. Moral Support
23. Dismay
24. Cope
25. Feelings
26. Body Language
27. Uncomfortable
28. Listen
29. Jealous
30. Absent
31. What Happened?
32. Stinky
33. Don't Trust Hansel
34. HoMeWOrk
35. Sick
36. Pain
37. Nevermind
38. Cowards
Happy Pride!
39. Memory
40. First to 100
41. Ball
42. Mind Your Own Business
43. Composed
44. Okay?
45. Three Little Stare Downs
46. Finn, Window!
47. Stalking
48. Cold
49. To The Amusement Park!
50. Pas Likes Penguins
51. Too Competitive
52. Abandoned
53. The Watcher
54. A Bond
55. New Heights
56. Past Pas
57. The First...
58. At the Top
59. The Way Home
60. 正 x 20
61. His Sweater
62. Don’t Think Too Hard
63. Sass
64. A Thing
Merry Christmas & Happy Anniversary!
65. Sneaky Question
66. Could’ve Guessed
67. IOU
68. Something to Ask
69. Get Dressed
70. Sweet
71. Self-conscious
72. Overthinking
73. No Fault
74. Picky
QnA 2
75. Lean
76. Questions
77. The List
78. Game's End
79. Too Happy
80. Still The Same
81. Daydream
82. Birdie
83. People will Talk
84. No Attention
85. Study Date
86. What You Like
87. BLEH
88. Handsome
89. Nilose
90. I'm Better
91. The Last Day
92. Difficult Decisions
93. Reunion
94. Worry & Distance
95. Fight
96. The Sandy Show
97. Closure
Guest Comic: 'I Love' By Sony
MAFIAugust: Nero
98. The Effects of Childhood
99. Deception
100. An Attack
101. Comfort
102. Common Ground
103. Lost & Found
104. The Exception
105. Courage
106. Guilt
107. To be Okay
108. I Love You
109. It'll be Okay
110. Grounded
111. Familial Worry
112. Sneaky Behavior
staredown Volume One Available for Pre-order!
113. For the Future
114. Stock Up
115. Not as Planned
116. Reasoning
117. You Deserve It
118. Smile… please.
119. Stop Crying
Settled Down Ad
120. Spots
121. Stubborn
122. BS
123. Petite
124. Late Night Chat
125. Blame
126. Study Time
127. It's Finally Over
128. That's Love
129. Older Nil
130. The Wrong Time
131. Looked After
132. Tired
133. Pride Thing
134. Baby Brother
135. Room Talk
136. Family Dinner
137. Real
138. The Attempt
139. The Semi-finals
140. Error
141. For You
142. Hang Up
143. Pain
144. Touchy
145. Please
146. A Familiar Sound
147. I Want to
148. Fall
149-152. Everything Box
153. Drawings
154. A Certain Someone
155. Another Someone
Wholesomeween Collab!
156. A Chance
157. Deserve to Know
158. Something Missing
159. A Little Past
160. Ruined
161. Growing Anger
Christmas Lights Collab
162. I Like Him
163. Family
164. That Long
165. Surprise
166. Boo
167. Shy
168. Avoidance
169. I'm Tired
170. The Race
171. Try
172. Not Okay
173. Holding Back
174. Powerless
175. Just Cry
176. Set Up
177. Belonging
178. His Day
179. We Love You
Epilogue 1/3
Epilogue 2/3
Epilogue 3/3
Special: Time & Distance 1/2
A Summer Afternoon (Collab with llamanoko)
Special: Time & Distance 2/2
Special: Prom Changes 1/2
Special: Prom Changes 2/2
Announcement: MOVING!
Special: The End 1/2
Special: The End 2/2
llama is literally AMAZING this made me so happy. I want to fuse with this art. Pas looks so handsome ;; and nil is so silly ARGHHHHH. Please go and read fangs and fools! Llama is an amazing creator, and I've followed their works for years and years. Their comics are soft and thoughtful.