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Become a PatronGrimoire 1 : Prologue
Grimoire 2 : Past and present
Grimoire 3 : the same mistakes
Grimoire 4 : Bad temper
Grimoire 5 : Love is in the air
Grimoire 6 : Friend or enemy
Grimoire 7 : Family problems
Grimoire 8 : Quest for the truth
Grimoire 9 : Distant memories
Grimoire 10 : The soul
Grimoire 11 : End of season 1
Grimoire 12 : SpellAstra Season 2 !
Grimoire 13 : Ghost Dimension
Grimoire 14 : Spellcastle's secrets
Grimoire 15 : Trust game
Grimoire 16 : Mana and Nova
Grimoire 17 : Forgiveness
Chapter 3! I had a lot of little health problems this summer that's why it took longer to come out ^^ see you next month for the rest! but before leaving, I have a quick question... do you love or hate Roda? hehe