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Become a PatronWelcome to Slackwyrm Keep
Where did my youth go?
Show some ambition
Make your own treasure
What is it like to be dead?
Parental Pressures
Is he asleep?
Am I wasting my life?
Perhaps you are a dragon too
What am I thinking?
Tree of Wisdom
Why do I bother?
Death comes for you!
Such a decadent beast
Grand money-making scheme
The wrong crowd
Will peasants ever learn?
Dead friends always cheer you up.
He's never felt more beautiful...
The Olympics are now over
Dragon incentive program
Sloppy Lizard-men screw up again
Always thinking
A Feast for Buzz-crows
Dorkiness is in the eye of the Beholder
Heroes live forever!
Hermione goes to the dark side
Fart or sneeze?
Work it
She showed so much potential on her resume
Guilt and anxiety
Princess time
Linda takes a break
A Princess talks to her critters
So abductable
A supportive partner is important
A troubling confession
Unrelatable Characters
Linda chats with Sophie
Most folks are either one or the other...
The Crow's news
Live up to your potential
Deep down everyone wants D
Welcome to Spuddy!
The First Family of the village of Spuddy
And so the village of Spuddy was saved.
Sir Dragonkill only takes cash
Forget Clinton vs. Trump. Here's Wizard vs. Dragon
What do dragons dream of?
Kill a little quieter next time...
Blame the parents...
I have no idea where this is going...
Personally I draw the line at centaurs. No centaurs allowed.
Don't start in a tavern
Duchess Doris returns...
Gary Gygax vs. Parker Brothers
The creepy crow...
Thank-you for not being you
Watch the Birdy
He passed his saving-throw...
He's cute when he's angry....
Something suspicious about that Duchess...
Christmas is a happy corpse
A Drag on New Years Eve...
Farewell, Disney sidekick.
New Years Resolution
Everyone loves a wedding...
The beginning of a not-so beautiful friendship?
YOU people?!
Hooked on Riddlin'.
Good Grief.
Linda is paged.
Animal Friends
Satanic Powers Unleashed!
Take a letter, Linda.
This is how it starts...
Doris at the Gate!
An golden new era begins...
Sir Corpse writes his brother.
Trust no one.
Happiness is a warm throne.
Great Expectations
It is not your place to question.
Golden showers
Something Wicked that way leaves...
Sick psychological games
Otho goes postal.
A gelatinous encounter.
Probably just stress.
A monstrous proposition.
Smooth Paul
It's complicated.
Otho Crow has no redeeming features.
The Baroness DeSpud
Keep it in.
Thanks for the input
Life isn't worth crowing about these days...
The Duchess of Doily
Lord Baal returns!
Spuddy adopts new religious garb.
So suffers the heretic.
Demon vacuum vs. red dragon
Demon vs. Dragon - round #2
He ain't called Slack Wyrm for nothing, folks ;)
The Age of Baal
Duchess Doris finds release
He's got nothing
Chance of toy in every bowl
Direct complaints here
Deer oh dear!
Happiness is a warm corpse.
Someone needs a hobby
Don't hate the Duchess, hate the Game.
He does it every time....
Otho's dream girl
Money troubles
Suspicion confirmed
Royal Delivery
Mood killer
Beware the meme-monster!
Brother and sister.
She's got it all.
Magnum-level makeover
The White Stag
He's got the look.
Wyrmmie the Pooh
How Hildegard stays motivated...
The girl can't help it...
Gotta catch 'em all!
Otho Crow knows cool
To train them is his cause!
A wager is struck
Draggin' Quest
She loves kids!
Coming clean...
Slime meets jelly
Things get mushy
An elegant solution
Battle of the sexes finally resolved
ALL are tainted
Happy Janet
Janet's Judgment
Delivered out of bondage
Soul searching
Trouble in Smelf Village
Crow owns crown
Relatable wizard problems
The Wizard's Tome
Better together
Legendary Arse
Know your role
Zizok, climate scientist.
3rd Level Evocation
Keen as beans
Final form
Too silly
Inside Job
Thanks, Chunk
A heady debate
Ho Hum Hitler
A replacement?
Big Brucey
Emu Facts
No deal
Join the crusade!
Doggone it
Role model
Red dragon
You don't need a lot to have it all
Reverse psychology
Can't stay mad at you
Just different
Comically Fat
Lasagna time
Jon the feeder
Food chain
The Prince of Darkness
The Original Edge-lord
Take a leaflet
No thanks necessary
Satan levels up
Twilight of the Edgelord
Draconically Correct
Riddle of the Sphinx
Sphinx is having trouble
Otho knows why the caged crow sings
Smile you sonuvabitch
It's on like Pokemon!
Team Hildegard
Fake nerd
Enter the Whingemaster
Death by Sony
The Australian Solution
Delicious Aussie Dishes
Left Below!
Knock Knock!
Brucey Strikes!
Wyrm-Land: The happiest place on earth!
New Friends
All Aboard!
Sad Sphinx
Power and love
Mind Control
Bust it
Ho Ho Crow
Go Team
Safe Space
No so merry
The Story of the Christmas Wyrm
A Surprise from Kringlekrist!
It's more complicated than she thought
Massage Therapy
Party Animal
Happiness is not being happy
Lifelong Atheist
The Town Formerly Known as Berk
Cake Farm
Chicken with a whip
Disgusting Blob
Building a better workplace
Cake Platter
On and on it goes
Nothing to ennui here
Father & Son
Relatable Chicken
A deal with the devils
Chicken & Egg
The richest
Red Privilege
Forged in Fire
The Toughest Riddle
Can't fight the seether
A passionless relationship
The Watcher
Camp Otho
Deus Dulcis
Chook Quest Begins!
Let down
Unsuccessful Camp
The Hero with a Thousand Feathers
Choose your own Adventurer
The Easter Wyrm
Otho's Choice
Back from Camp
Crebain from Dunland
Cleric vs. Dragon
Cleric vs. Dragon - Round TWO
Cleric vs. Dragon - Final Round!
Screw you, Joseph Campbell
Me Too!
Human Problems
It's all about confidence
Outside the lair
Pastor Lizardman
You know it to be true
Watching & planning
Slack Wyrm by Hand:- So weird
Show some respect!
Application Approved
Snake Mountain?
You shall not pass
Janet's genius
You can't always get what you want
Doing nothing
Back in the game
Do what's best for your pet
Good girl
Do your job
Doris goes the grope
Duchess Doris vs. Sir Corpse
Welcome to Slack Wyrm (a long overdue intro page)
Wizard of love
I feel nothing
Choose your own Adventurer!
A Sorcerer has a dream
Monkeys love music
Looks legit
Up the stairs
This crow ain't for show
The Evil Within
The Trouble with Rascal
Rascal's Choice
Rascal's release!
What a guy
Tentacle Porn
Get Woke to Barrabhu
Don't clean your room
You gotta put your name on it
The Demon in my Dreams
Bad Influence
Otho's burn list
Otho's Choice
Tough to choose
Happiness is a glistening buzzsaw
Enemy Number One
God is Great...ful
Castle Edge
There can be only one
Knock Knock
Gritty the Hood vs. Lord Edgelord
Otho's New Game
Judge Virtue vs. Lord Edgelord
Neighbourhood Watch
Lord Edgelord Arrives!
Ferragus triggered?
Ferragus vs. Edgelord - Round One
Edgelord Strikes!
Over the Edge!
Every last coin
Barrabhu up to mischief
The crow he go
The Greatness of Gretch
Gretch Tales
Linda might have a problem
The wager
You can do it!
David Skeleton becoming a problem?
On the job
Blue death
No shame in his game
Pick-up class
Take Charge
The Death Knight Rises
Lord Edge-God
Killer Decision
Tale as old as time
Pay attention
How rude!
Doris trap
The Memeonomicon
A tale of Doris
Deborah Gorgon's morning
Barrabhu & David
Who wears it best?
What a guy
Temple of Gretch
Troubling News
More def wizzy hizzy jams
Reflection time
Shameless Patreon Shill
Flat-out like a lizard drinking
The Return of the Emu King
True Self
Christmas Party
A Christmas Corpse
EdgeGod meets Otho
Deborah's Lair
Happy 2019!
Wyrm triggered!
The Caper Begins!
The Dragonsaddle
The Lizardwing
Secret Past
Yoo hoo!
Astral Battle
Bertie incoming
The battle is joined?
Rule violation?
problem with our Pokemon
Or maybe not
Gone baby gone!
Was it you?
Sweet victory
Feelin' Fine
No limit to the Edge
Sir Corpse vs. HR
Ask me about my tragic backstory
Doris levels up!
Tony Chook
Super Good?
Welcome Back Sphinx
Poor Barrabhu
For the Love of Deborah Gorgon
Active Edge
Money Troubled
Ferragus's brainwave
Badminton - Round One
Shameless commerical - for plushies!!
Gretch takes notice
Barrabhu vs. David
David vs. Paul
Paul vs. Ghost-Guy
Ghost-Guy vs. Goblin Gals
Goblin Gals vs. Linda
Otho Crow vs. Bertie the Beta-Beast
Otho vs Bugbear & Goblin
Otho Crow vs. Rene Sphinx
Otho Crow vs. Lizardman
Lizardman vs. Doris
Red Doris vs. Lord EdgeGod
Badminton Endgame
Lemonade? Please!
Bugbear Blues
Ancient Wisdoms
Just to clear things up
A rainy afternoon playing humans
Wyrm Radiation Syndrome
Search "Slack Wyrm" on Amazon now!!
Draconic standard
Deborah's Gender Quota
The Dark Reign Begins!
Otho gets a cat
The Doctor is IN
Game Over
Edgy Eating
Social Pressures
Fomo Wyrm
Poor Paul
Follow Hydra
Love school
Help me, Sir Corpse...
Paul's Choice
A new job
A wise wizard
Where's my money?
Poster boy
EdgeGod's call to adventure
Uncle Tony
Epic Quest begins!
The party grows
Welcome aboard
The Deus-Ex-Box
Welcome to Gretchopolis
Gelantinous workers unite
Two adults please
Not Welcome
Enter the Boss-Man!
Get ready to die!
Good night, Edgegod
The Edge Awakens
Summon the Edge
David the self-hating skeleton
Zizok has news
Otho, you're fired
Gretchopolis liberated!
En Route to the Frost Giants...
The break-up
Do you wanna build a snowman?
Shameless ad for plushie!
Making Camp
Fun and games
The door
God forgives, Gretch does not.
Blue Crow
On the doorstep
Takeover plans
Here comes Trouble!
Hostile Takeover
Melting moments
An icy reception
Gretch's new regime
Zizok Steps Up
Get up, Edgegod
Say my name
Some like it hot
Edgegod unfazed
A time to kill
Barrabhu makes his move
Nightmare on Gretch Street
The Chamber of Terror
Choking the dragon
Return of the Monkey
Barrabhu Broken
Slack Wyrm: Book Two!
Epic loot
Keep it down
Great Winter Warg
News from the Warg
To the throne room
The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
A frosty reception
Personally I celebrate the man's entire catalog
An Epic Battle
Look what you have done
Strong to the finish
Melting moment
The Great Vinter Varg
The Box Opens!
Is that all there is?!...
Golden Days Ahead
Share the wealth
Vote Crow
Crow loves the dough
knock knock
Nice try
Settling up
Take notice
Viktor's Role
One thing remains...
New tree
Bugbear approves
simple life
It's the Otho Crow Event!
Thanks again
ReQuest Denied
Welcome to Viktors
Merry Lizardmas
Print and copy
Which wig?
The classic tale of Kringlekrist
Axe flipped
Zizok dropping truth-bombs
Edgegod's apology
Dragon goals
Extreme Chicken
portal trouble
Shameless merchandising
Feelin fine
The Future
Unwary travellers
How to portal
The six stages of being a lizardman
Edgegod's news
Edgegod's plan
How to steal lunch from a gelatinous cube
Teach me
The Coming Crisis
Rule Breaker
Always Two
Struck down by the gods
Math humor
Something funny
Skate or...
Aristotle Said...
The final challenge
Thinking time
Otho is watching
Otho chimes in
There you are!
Would you like to help?
The choice is made
World of problems
Mount Metaphor
En route to Metaphor
The portal is open!
Spin the wheel
Go Together
The spin lands!
Follow the leader
Lonely at the top
Stay focused
Profile card #1 - Ferragus Slackwyrm
Boring Quest
Take a load off
We are not alone
Profile card - Otho Crow
Why we quest
Super intelligent dino
She returns!
Profile card - The Great Gretch!
The Seduction of Edgegod
The Edge is Rising
Guard duty
Profile card - Lord Edgegod!
Kerplunkosaurus Rex
The King Revealed!
Feel the Edge!
Profile card - Janet the chicken
The cringe unleashed!
Real Crisis
Viktors game
Profile card - Zizok the Wizard
Corruption spreads
Quest over
Profile card - Sir Corpse
So Natural
Slay the cook
Sacrifice + Book 3!
Profile card - Barrabhu
The Deer Hunter
Plein air
Profile card - Smooth Paul
Was not me
Terrible things
Press conference
Profile card - Linda Greenslime
Lizardman or Bugbear
For a limited time - Great Gretch plushies!
Scott No Mates
Profile card - David Skeleton
Brainless love
Murky depths
Fashionable Doris
Profile card - Lizardman
The Gretch Effect
Edge patrol
The Gretch Effect Podcast
Profile card - Bugbear
The Freakiest of all
Hot rain
Good mornin!
Profile card - Duchess Doris
Quality Time
Have faith
Profile card - Bertie
Barrabhu goals
Profile card - Viktor!
Deep thoughts
Sixty Seven Secrets
Profile card - Leroy Smalls
He is watching
Happy hens
You need to worry
The Edge Knight Returns
Lair Jam
Profile card - Rene Sphinx
All. My. Life.
Get over it
Sphinx steps up
Profile card - Deborah Gorgon
The dream is real
Linda goes cottage
Escape to the country?
Shameless Patreon shill
Profile card - Terry Goblin
Egg and lettuce
Profile card - Ghost-Guy!
Bony booty
Slack Wyrm #666!
Profile card - Sharon Goblin
Secret of success
All bad
Profile card - Claire Goblin
Chucky Jordan
No man
Profile card - Rascal!
Profile card - Hydra
Go right in
Winter Warg
Remote Wyrm
Profile card - Tony Stegano
Tough Corpse
Rabble rousing
Who's out there?
The future
God and Edgegod
Bertie or Viktor
Comfort Zone
Join today
Dinner is served
Existentially offensive
Let down
Happy weekend
A New Story Begins!...
Barrabhu's Diagnosis
Old Man Moog
Otho is coming too
Leisurely stroll
well well well
Short cut
A cunning disguise
Too keen
All the better...
Bad trip
Magic Munchie
Moog changes lives
Who needs the Normal Juice most??
The bitch is back
Today's job
Where is my rock?
Get organized
No laughing matter
HR Recommends
Nothing is impossible
Tinder time
Barrabhu makes soup
Impatient Doris
They crave discipline
Leroy laments
Knight vs Emu
More evil comics for evil people
Everyone loves kids
The bastard's lament
What's you secret?
Everybody is doing it
Top secret wizard business
Guy from work
Vodka on the rocks
Otho the healer?
Bad habit
Bok Bok
Something's cookin!
Mobile Suit Serfdom
Edgegod Steps Up
Peasantorr throws down
Edgegod's weakness
Edgegod walks
Barrabhu weighs in
He got onto that
Zizok the skeptic
Troubled childhood
Who they gonna call?
Call the expert
Bow down, Janet
Janet has powerful friends
Chicken hammer
Amen, Janet, Amen.
Reign restored
Beach ball
Ridiculous howling
Timeless wisdom
Gretch's new plan
Rocky start
Gretch is conflicted
Edgegod has entered the chat
Crimes of Cringe
Dudes, stop!
Get trucked
Truck you!
The sword and the wyrm
Sword is stuck
Uh Oh
She is risen!
What is this comic about?
Super Zizok
Postmodern blues
Doctor Lizardman
Disturbed Duchess
Devilish deer
Hawking hunt
David Escapes!
The best fucking webcomic series on this whole damn site
The Stone Table
Lovely day
Rise Moog!
Flower child
Where ya going
Choose your weapon
The choice is made
Got me thinking
Moog goals
Gretch Note
Whom to choose
I accept
big fight tomorrow
The Boys
Who we are
team player?
Lets get ready to...
Suit up
Roid rage
Profile card - Several Tattoos
Take Off
The main event
Do your worst
Profile card - Nose-Ring
They arrive
Two messages
The Box Opens!
Profile card - Moog
Shameless Patreon advert
Monkey Magic
Bestie Box
Xylo Time
Profile card - Duchess Doris (now radiation-free!)
The Real Thing
Barrabhus plan
Stop Interfering
Dragon-sense is tingling!
You will be sorry
We are leaving
Things heat up!
On their tail!
P is for...
Auf Wiedersehen!
Schemes for today, schemes for tomorrow
Too legit
What you reading?
Where is it?!
You passed Step One
The book proves its worth
Barrabhu the narc
Here's a few more Slack Wyrm cards I've made lately...
Slack Wyrm #826
Barrabhu snaps the tongs
Poor turn-out
BBQ Barrabhu
Something smells bad
"Biffo" is Australian slang for a fight
What is all the ruckus?
Two out of three ain't bad
Back where he started
Who did that?
Ice to see you
Bad dog!
Bertie ball
Straight down the middle
Team work makes the dream work
Shilling the new book! - Slack Wyrm 1
So long, Moog
Team Barrabhu?
Barrabhu's number one fan
Weekend Wyrm - A black & white bonus!
Special care
All tucked in
Sibling Rivalry
Captain Frenchtoast
Sketchy crone
Treasure map!
Running wild
All in favour?
Wheels are in motion
Self-help convert
Keep ahoy!
Prepare for Assault
Eternal glory for Terry?
Such is life
Inspire me!
Work for me
Use the Faust, Terry!
That got him!
Oh my god!...
Justice for Terry
Good parenting
What does the book say?
Team player
Do you know who I am?
Why the olive
Starting the New Year off right...
Do you eat the pickle?
Fat Wyrm
Big fat dragon
Bucky Bouchard
Slack Wyrm down
Is there a doctor in the house?
List of shame
Horde seeks hoard
Look behind you!
You have visitors
The Canrog
What are friends for...
Eat Hickory!
Into the Abyss
Music or monster?
No more monkey business
Home Alone
Square meal
Itsa me!
Goose of Anor
Goosey Guidance
Golden Getaway
Stay Forever
Visit P'erth
Bagged one
Return of the Bird
Here's Brucey!
Special Head Cannon
Look who's back
Big Brucey Triggered
Janet the genius
A chilly reception
Strange brew
Genuine article
Ten feet tall
The Akihabara Kabuki Crew
Try some!
Trippin' on cake
Much better now
What a nice guy
He is in there
En guarde
Dodge this
Wyrm stop!
The art of the deal
All aboard
Mobile party platform
Too be fair, he hates men too...
Look who's here
Deck chair chicken
Look behind you
Sail off into the sunset
Getting back to normal...
Advert for the 2022 Slack Wyrm plushie!
Some just don't know their place...
Looking forward to Maverick...
Meanwhile in Otho's world...
The Real Villains...
The Perfect Father?...
Does Zak Bagans know about this?
Linda won't be in tomorrow
Just a mini-boss?
Final shill of the 2022 Plushie!
This wyrm aint playin'
Evil for show?
Not edgy enough
He just wants to help...
They are the worst
Rain of Terror
Rainbow Shield is super effective!
Still got the edge...
Delegation of duties
The Wrath of Gran
Linda calls in sick
Some double-doors are best left closed
Defeat any enemy with this one AMAZING trick
You died
What's in the bug-bear-bag?
Found you!
Lady Sally
Eye of the Tiger
Because everyone will get a Petula Clark reference
The new head coach
Linda loves GrubClub
Grinding those stats
Crowd pleaser
The Tragedy of Philip
Linda is the best at HR
Bugbear, where the hell are you going?!
Reign of Brown fire
Bugbear blows it
Gelatin at the Gate
A very corny comic
One fine day while Goblin and Lizardman were out walking...
+5 Greatsword of Toe-Jam
Just like Lizard-Mamma used to make
O Sole Mio!
He lutes! He scores!
I wonder if K-Mart is hiring?
Duchess Doris is regressing
Death Knight vs Death King?
Praying to the Nuclear Chaos Demon Sultan
Fight Day!
Reaper gets the Upper hand!
Use the cheese!
The Power of the Edgeblade
Thirsty for Edge
The Edgeblade is restored!
Edgegod back in the game
The Importance of HR
Sister Kalista
Mr. Jigglebits
Doris and the Death Knight
Against the giants
How Mysterious
What am I?
Giants for dinner
Bring them to me
Case Closed?
How do I become more popular?
Everything the light touches...
Doris is feelin' fine
Take this
Clown hunt
(slightly belated) Halloween Clown Terror!
Monkey business
Monkey bad
Ghost Adventures
The More Things Change...
A spirited debate
Word is spreading
Ghost Protocol
Are we there yet?
Fast Travel
Meanwhile back at the castle...
A lady has preferences
You will be mine
It goes down tonight
OK Ghost-Guy
The Tragedy of Ghost-Guy
Have you seen this woman?
Back at Slackwyrm Keep...
What is he up to?
A Disturbing New Arrival
A new Sheriff in town?
Lower life-form
The last thing he needs
Thank you for your donation
Ghost-Guy Private Eye
I got some questions!
No respect
The Order of Happiness?
Less than wizard
Things get ugly
Tony talks smack
Tony's hit and run
Undead embed
The happy couple
Gretch goes green
Feeling Queasy
Not Welcome
Power struggle
Inner peace
Happy dragon
Deviants exposed
No more talk
The Power of Goodness
A bird in the hand
Got your Girl
Two bodies one soul
Look behind you
Down the hatch
Breath weapon
Gretch on ice
A Pyrrhic victory
Petty revenge
Family Emergency
Enjoying Beverages
Drinking buddies
To the victor...
Phone a friend
Two friends
The morning after
Time to go
In the clouds
Where is everyone?
Family matters
The lich returns
A returning guest...
A fateful meeting
Equal rights for humans
Tensions rise
A sudden attack!
Livin' la vida lich
The smoke clears
For the kids
For the children
Twice too many
Fired up
Punch evil
Bonus Second Attack
Arbalast on ice
New roomie?
Wind beneath my wings
Look who's back
Open up!
Fat City
Mo money mo problems
Golden withdrawal
Mexican night
Still in the system
Soda jerk
We gotta go
Happy corpse happy life
Dream time
Dreams of my father
Always a disappointment
Troubled teen
Virginia Slim
Where were you?
Required Reading
Free Toast
Mufasa lecture
There can only be one
Not myself today
We need to leave
Calling the boys
Biology wins
Strange new friends
Crow will go
Take a seat
Treasured advice
Peasants beware
Grab that gold!
Way of the Chicken
Brain Freeze
The Temple of Zoggg
Will Frenchtoast get burned?
Devil of a time
Side-Quest complete?
Secret Moog Business
Duchess Wyrm?!
French choke
Chicken smoke
Prepare to fire
We got her
Out of the frying pan
Overdue book
Dark Souled
Treasure pleasure
Face me!
Time to sleep
Satan's waitin'
Going pro
Where's the beets?
Getting out of hand
Beyond good and evil
Low growth period
He never skips it
Sweet and spiky
How Viktor got his Hat
Zoggg's revenge
Don't touch my stuff
Flaming dragon spear!
Battered lizard
Brain probe
mental problem
Immmortal Zoggg reborn
Fire drake is dim bulb
Power Tower
Power-Tower strikes!
Problem solved
Secret enclave
Book return
Face time
Not Judging
Hoard for the Lord
To beet the devil
To beet the devil - Part 2
There it is
Stealth mode
belly of the beast
Family Feud
HRrible job
Doris comes out
Chamber of Wonders
Stealth check
Look who's back
Tough love
Prize information
All is revealed
Happy Kringlekrist
Lame shame
Soul searching
Burning issue
Wyrm food
Fighting demons
The devil you say
Soft target
Let's ride
Don't get cute
Merch Attack (link in description)
Beet down
New student
Best boy
Don't tread on him
Midnight mass
Fresh look
A better world
Badass help
New champion
Blue threat
Choose your weapon
Hell to pay?
It's a mystery
You lose
Lizard amore
Demon love
Love hurts
Out of the Question
Take me to them
Unhappy Camper
Squeaky wheel
Birth of Blackball
Twilight of Grand Wyrm
Change of scene
Farewell Doily
Sneaky phone call
Restart required?
Daily Sacrifice
Levelling up?
Master or Good boi?
No friends
Hell to Pay
The Devil and Duchess Doris
Getting close
Thanks, Moog
Achievement attained
Moog mash
Desperate times
Don't go changing
Baron DeSpud
On faith
Siggy DeSpud
With age comes wisdom
All you need
Go help
Fear not
Bad call
Duty bound
Head shot
Who is that?
You look familiar
Rescue me
She's got the look
Head games
Silver Wyrm Down
Brain melt
Hair play
Mine now
Feel the Edge
Big plans
Power down
Return of Doris
The Perils of Paul
We have to go
Save the day
Gobbos assemble!
Peace beast
Meanwhile in Gehenna...
Stay or go?
You're coming with me
Crisis averted
Hawk Tauh
You dare!
He blew it
Not that guy
Magic lamp
Return to Doily
The mission begins
Demon Soul
Slack Wyrm All Along
The Invitation
Volk Wyrm
Things change
The Future
Zizok warns
A gift from Viktor
Dragon terrorizes castle
False god?
Fiery soul
Slack Revenge
Gretch on ice
Prude Wyrm
The Event
Taste test
Her process
Perfectly safe
Identity issues
On its way
These types
Bottle Delivery
Too strong
Special Delivery
Party Crasher
Quiet achiever
Party is over
Just to be sure
Get it rite
Have faith
Merry Christmas
Bad influence
Full employment
Lovely chaos
Definitely not weird
A dragon stole my boyfriend
Free workers
The lure of Chaos
The Power of Love
Free at last
Gretch smashed
Do it for me
Monkey Business
Donkey Wyrm
The Return
Look who's back
Winter Arc Begins
Ice Iced baby
I want it all
The Morning After
It was a blast
Winter why
Making the dream work
Fab Wyrm
Gretch has conquered
Too bad for her
Poignant Metaphor
Snow day
Arriving home
It's all good