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Become a Patron0001 - telescope
0002 - zubeneschamali
0003 - saturn-san
0004 - titan
0005 - the other titans
0006 - oyasumi
0007 - rocket
0008 - centre of lift
0009 - amoeba
0010 - lava
0011 - yuri-chan
0012 - stegosaurus
0013 - cave
0014 - trim
0015 - hairdresser
0016 - daydream
0017 - different
0018 - small moon
0019 - budget
0020 - phase
0021 - skyrocket
0022 - nebula
0023 - breakfast
0024 - dino cave
0025 - adult stuff
0026 - bunny door
0027 - bed
0028 - sunny
0029 - beach
0030 - ammonite
0031 - call
0032 - kite
0033 - constellations
0034 - orion
0035 - betelgeuse
0036 - golden star
0037 - return
0038 - geek
0039 - dork
0040 - gerbil station
0041 - loose hair
0042 - stars
0043 - morning
0044 - climb
0045 - magic 8 ball
0046 - stargazing
0047 - plasma tornado
0048 - guests
0049 - second cousin
0050 - love
0051 - sushi
0052 - space station!
0053 - space station!!!
0054 - early
0055 - bright
0056 - international space station
0057 - marathon
0058 - hoodie
0059 - graffiti
0060 - sleep
0061 - language
0062 - pencil wars: episode 1
0063 - pencil wars: episode 2
0064 - pencil wars: episode 3
0065 - pencil wars: episode 4
0066 - pencil wars: episode 5
0067 - hands
0068 - dinner
0069 - brekky
0070 - sirius
0071 - canis major
0072 - canis minor
0073 - library
0074 - book
0075 - liftoff
0076 - okaasan
0077 - 2 minutes
0078 - dress
0079 - worse
0080 - adorable
0081 - cute
0082 - shuttle
0083 - friends
0084 - solar panels
0085 - late
0086 - konnichiwa
0087 - children's book
0088 - delivery
0089 - penguins
0090 - two
0091 - go
0092 - servo
0093 - receipt
0094 - dream
0095 - daughter
0096 - sorry
0097 - principal
0098 - proof
0099 - sun
0100 - space
0101 - rocket science
0102 - interesting
0103 - free
Q&A #1
0104 - wake
0105 - eyes
0106 - milky way
0107 - galaxy
0108 - waiting
0109 - options
0110 - sword
0111 - orion nebula
0112 - the move
0113 - space bullets
0114 - parents
0115 - experience
0116 - class
0117 - believe
0118 - liftoff 2
0119 - play school
0120 - shooting star
0121 - bird
0122 - phone
0123 - diary
0124 - cosmic calendar
0125 - shopping list
0126 - cereal
0127 - trolley
0128 - hyperspace
Merry Christmas! 2017
0129 - relativity
0130 - vocabulary
0131 - success
0132 - bring
0133 - segue
0134 - zodiac
0135 - little animals
0136 - aries
0137 - taurus
0138 - gemini
0139 - unconditional
0140 - reentry
0141 - hawking
0142 - dear senator
0143 - earrings
0144 - joke
0145 - adult
0146 - personal
0147 - ideas
0148 - business
0149 - inspiring
0150 - engineer
0151 - money
0152 - inheritance
0153 - time
0154 - theoretically
Step 1: Build a galaxy-sized telescope. Step 2: Watch Jurassic Park in real life.