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Become a Patron- 0001 - telescope
- 0002 - zubeneschamali
- 0003 - saturn-san
- 0004 - titan
- 0005 - the other titans
- 0006 - oyasumi
- 0007 - rocket
- 0008 - centre of lift
- 0009 - amoeba
- 0010 - lava
- 0011 - yuri-chan
- 0012 - stegosaurus
- 0013 - cave
- 0014 - trim
- 0015 - hairdresser
- 0016 - daydream
- 0017 - different
- 0018 - small moon
- 0019 - budget
- 0020 - phase
- 0021 - skyrocket
- 0022 - nebula
- 0023 - breakfast
- 0024 - dino cave
- 0025 - adult stuff
- 0026 - bunny door
- 0027 - bed
- 0028 - sunny
- 0029 - beach
- 0030 - ammonite
- 0031 - call
- 0032 - kite
- 0033 - constellations
- 0034 - orion
- 0035 - betelgeuse
- 0036 - golden star
- 0037 - return
- 0038 - geek
- 0039 - dork
- 0040 - gerbil station
- 0041 - loose hair
- 0042 - stars
- 0043 - morning
- 0044 - climb
- 0045 - magic 8 ball
- 0046 - stargazing
- 0047 - plasma tornado
- 0048 - guests
- 0049 - second cousin
- 0050 - love
- 0051 - sushi
- 0052 - space station!
- 0053 - space station!!!
- 0054 - early
- 0055 - bright
- 0056 - international space station
- 0057 - marathon
- 0058 - hoodie
- 0059 - graffiti
- 0060 - sleep
- 0061 - language
- 0062 - pencil wars: episode 1
- 0063 - pencil wars: episode 2
- 0064 - pencil wars: episode 3
- 0065 - pencil wars: episode 4
- 0066 - pencil wars: episode 5
- 0067 - hands
- 0068 - dinner
- 0069 - brekky
- 0070 - sirius
- 0071 - canis major
- 0072 - canis minor
- 0073 - library
- 0074 - book
- 0075 - liftoff
- 0076 - okaasan
- 0077 - 2 minutes
- 0078 - dress
- 0079 - worse
- 0080 - adorable
- 0081 - cute
- 0082 - shuttle
- 0083 - friends
- 0084 - solar panels
- 0085 - late
- 0086 - konnichiwa
- 0087 - children's book
- 0088 - delivery
- 0089 - penguins
- 0090 - two
- 0091 - go
- 0092 - servo
- 0093 - receipt
- 0094 - dream
- 0095 - daughter
- 0096 - sorry
- 0097 - principal
- 0098 - proof
- 0099 - sun
- 0100 - space
- 0101 - rocket science
- 0102 - interesting
- 0103 - free
- Q&A #1
- 0104 - wake
- 0105 - eyes
- 0106 - milky way
- 0107 - galaxy
- 0108 - waiting
- 0109 - options
- 0110 - sword
- 0111 - orion nebula
- 0112 - the move
- 0113 - space bullets
- 0114 - parents
- 0115 - experience
- 0116 - class
- 0117 - believe
- 0118 - liftoff 2
- 0119 - play school
- 0120 - shooting star
- 0121 - bird
- 0122 - phone
- 0123 - diary
- 0124 - cosmic calendar
- 0125 - shopping list
- 0126 - cereal
- 0127 - trolley
- 0128 - hyperspace
- Merry Christmas! 2017
- 0129 - relativity
- 0130 - vocabulary
- 0131 - success
- 0132 - bring
- 0133 - segue
- 0134 - zodiac
- 0135 - little animals
- 0136 - aries
- 0137 - taurus
- 0138 - gemini
- 0139 - unconditional
- 0140 - reentry
- 0141 - hawking
- 0142 - dear senator
- 0143 - earrings
- 0144 - joke
- 0145 - adult
- 0146 - personal
- 0147 - ideas
- 0148 - business
- 0149 - inspiring
- 0150 - engineer
- 0151 - money
- 0152 - inheritance
- 0153 - time
- 0154 - theoretically
SPACE COMICS ARE BAAAAACK!!! Man this took a long time (remember when Sedna was a 4-panel comic strip? Neither do I). Possibly my favourite thing about space is that the sheer scale is beyond what our human brains can possibly comprehend. No matter how you try, it's simply impossible to visualise what a billion years or a 140 billion billion t-rexes looks like.