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- SCP 14- The Concreate Man
- SCP 49- The Plauge Doctor
- SCP 96- The Shy Guy
- SCP 3008- The Infinite Ikea
- SCP 98- The Surgon Crabs
- SCP 35- The Possessive Mask
- QnA announcement!!
- Intermission
- Intermission
- SCP 53- The Young Girl
- SCP 106- The Old Man
- Intermission
- QnA Part 1
- SCP 4975- Times Up
- SCP 007- Abdominal Planet
- SCP 173 - The Statue
lol, that was a nice 1-year hiatus. jk i saw some comments making me feel bad since around February last year, I kinda lost interest in SCPs and over all horror since i was only like 13 and was just a baby. Now I'm interested in SCP again (maybe its because of lord bung coming back on youtube with scp confinement idk but i have been trying to slowing go back into it recently. I'm sorry. )