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- SCP 14- The Concreate Man
- SCP 49- The Plauge Doctor
- SCP 96- The Shy Guy
- SCP 3008- The Infinite Ikea
- SCP 98- The Surgon Crabs
- SCP 35- The Possessive Mask
- QnA announcement!!
- Intermission
- Intermission
- SCP 53- The Young Girl
- SCP 106- The Old Man
- Intermission
- QnA Part 1
- SCP 4975- Times Up
- SCP 007- Abdominal Planet
- SCP 173 - The Statue
Many people have been asking for the orange slime so here you go! Sorry for not uploading recently! Just really busy with my school work and how my computer is still broken. This was draw using my sister's computer and tablet but at least this is more polished than other episodes.