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Pilgrim's Great Distress
Biblical Prophecy
Graceless to Christian
The Swamp of Despond
The Way of the World...
...Or the Narrow Way?
The Narrow Sheep Gate
Interpreter Chan
The Cross
The Hill of Difficulty
Sinful Sleep
Lions of Watchful
House Beautiful
The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Faithful's Progress
Vanity Fair
On Trial for the Gospel
Giant Despair Within Doubting Castle
"Ignore the Flatterers"
At Home in the Celestial City
RUN NEO EON | Christmas Special
It's been 1 year!
READS RIGHT TO LEFT Hello! I'm Shonen Bag, and this is my first webtoon, RUN: The Pilgrim's Progress! Please treat it kindly. If there are any theological issues you find, I apologize in advance to you, Bunyan-Sensei, and God. In the book, the Narrator doesn't sleep in a Japanese high school, but in a cave. Why did I make this change? School Uniform fetish? Oh, no. Off to a bad start already...