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Welcome to the Forest! Enjoy your stay...
Introducing Jac and the gang!
The gang strikes!
Bad times for the king!
Jac, triumphant!
ladies and gentlemen,here comes... Rumfus!
Nothing can stop Rumfus!
Victory for the king!
Joy and pain!
Funeral for a king...
Introducing...King Malice!
It's how to make friends and influence people!
When one story ends...another begins!
A stunning new development!
When you need a helping hand!
On a mission!
Let the bells ring out!
Otis encounters a slightly zealous Rumfus!
Otis springs a surprising message!
Into the house of terror!
Rumfus and Otis encounter... an unexpected interruption!
A narrow escape!
More trouble for Rumfus awaits!
Mystery upon mystery, as Rumfus digs through the rubble!
A strange sight!
An ominous figure lurks in the darkness!
The ground shakes, when Gristmill attacks!
It's panic,and then...more panic!
Rumfus and the king meet face to face!
Rumfus enjoys the Kings hospitality...
The beginning of the Quest for Murdoc!
Introducing the sensational super-spy, Buck!
Perhaps Rumfus should get a publicist...
A case of mistaken identity!
Something at the window!
Rumfus,back on the trail...but not alone!
The assassin is back!
Rumfus tangles at last with the (as yet ) unnamed assassin!
Things get stranger...
Into a trap!
The mighty Rumfus...Unleashed!
Something very unexpected!
A slight detour into more intrigue!
On a snow-covered plain,danger lurks!
In the hands of the enemy!
The orgin of Eugene!
Eugenes dazzling display!
Introducing, Woodall!
Woodall tells all!
Is this the end?
Questions-but no answers!
Plans for escape!
The gamble pays off!
Rumfus, tooting his own horn! (How unseemly)
Back in pursuit!
A dangerous passage
A chase on the deck!
Rumfus thinks fast!
Things go slightly awry!
A desperate plight!
Lost and then...salvation!
Introducing Lew And Rufus!
Rumfus makes a deduction!
Into The Rebels Lair!
Rumfus Finds...
Part of the mission accomplished!
Rumfus Has A Brainstrom!
It's an oh so familiar greeting for Rumfus!
Rumfus springs a surprise!
Rumfus makes a big Splash!
He appears!
Rumfus v. Killaroy!
Payback for Rumfus!
When the going gets tough...
The end of the "Quest For Murdoc!"
The wrap-up (or coda,if you wanna get fancy!)
Throw ya hands in da air!
Party's over...what a drag...
No mercy...When the Furious Terror strikes!
Imagine the possibilities!
An old friend returns!
Welcome to Rumfusland!
An invitation for Rumfus!
Rumfus shows his courage...Sort of...
More trouble on Party Island!
One of the many talents of Buck!
Back to the drawing board for Buck!
Introducing Captain Swift!
Attack of the name game!
Deeper into terror!
The figure In the moonlight!
Strange Company!
Journey into terror!
Rumfus dives in!
Out of the frying pan!
Into the fire!
Rumfus meets his biggest fan?
The menace of Kindle Smoot!
The better part of valor!
The death of Rumfus?!?
The Captain's hidden talent!
Captain Swift down...and out!
Did you really think he was dead? C'mon!
The fastest critter alive!
A nasty shock!
Collateral damage!
The Baron Osborne!
Kindle's scheme!
A challenge for Rumfus!
The state of affairs!
Getting ready!
Hunt for a villain!
Dreams of a madman!
I thought you were dead!
Time for a showdown!
Time for a new plan!
Hell in a handbasket!
You can die--again!
Rumfus, abandoned!
The Captain takes a chance!
The end of the Furious Terror!
Next up - Strange company! VOte!!!!