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- Monster Cutter
- Terror Bird
- Tengucide
- Revenge
- Thank you Bonus
- Warrior God
- The Duel
- Forest Ambush
- I Serve No One
- Castle Stalker
- Path to Glory
- I Want Your FAN ART
- This Means War
- Hachiman The Great
- Honor And Duty
- River Of Tears
- Disaster Aftermath
- The Typhoon
- 1000 subscribers!
- Is this the end? Or not?
Until a few days ago Toranaga Toshiro was the leader of a fearless group of elite samurai. Now he is alone and on the run from shapeshifting Tengu demons. He only wishes to end this hell of a failure mission and get back to his family. Whoever tries to stop him, will meet the sharp end of his blade.