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Become a PatronA Night Out
Out in Space
Space in Pink
Pink meets the Machine
Machine Malfunction
Malfunction Under Control
Control and Release
Release to the Universe
Universe and the Multiple Earths
Earths Affection over Alcohol
Alcohol Builds Trust
Trust the Murderer
Murderer on the Loose
Loose conscience
Conscience and Ignorance
Ignorance, a bliss
Blissful Choice
Choice between the unknown
Unknown Enemies
Enemies among Inhabitants
Inhabitants Under Attack (Part 1)
Inhabitants Under Attack (Part 2)
Attack of the Drunkard
Drunkards on Fire
Fire the Traitor
Traitor's Next Step
Step into Restraint
Cameo Submissions and Discord
Restraint amidst the Party
Party's Biggest Clown
Clown's Scheme
Scheme on Chaos
Chaos upon River
River's Choice
Choice to Say Goodbye
Goodbye Comrade
Comrades Reunited
Reunited for a Cost
It couldn't fit in the notes but for all the readers that's been reading this series across the years... THANK YOU SO MUCH, I hope 2020 has been kind on you and hope 2021 will be better. For all the new readers! WELCOME and pardon my irregular updates!