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Become a PatronMain Cover & Info
Chapter 1 - The Hunt
Chapter 2 - The Shadow
Chapter 3 - Aotaka (pt. 1)
Chapter 3 - Aotaka (pt. 2)
Chapter 4 - Council of War (part 1)
Chapter 4 - Council of War (part 2)
Chapter 4 - Council of War (part 3)
Chapter 5 - The Scarreader (part 1)
Chapter 5 - The Scarreader (part 2)
Chapter 5 - The Scarreader (part 3)
Chapter 6 - Unterground (part 1)
Chapter 6 - Unterground (part 2)
Chapter 6 - Unterground (part 3)
Chapter 6 - Unterground (part 4)
Chapter 7 - A Brief Respite (part 1)
Chapter 7 - A Brief Respite (part 2)
Chapter 7 - A Brief Respite (part 3)
Chapter 8 - The Promised Truth (part 1)
Chapter 8 - The Promised Truth (part 2)
Chapter 8 - The Promised Truth (part 3)
Chapter 8 - The Promised Truth (part 4)
Chapter 8 - The Promised Truth (part 5)
Chapter 8 - The Promised Truth (part 6)
Volume 2 Cover & Info
Chapter 9 - Friend or Foe? (part 1)
Chapter 9 - Friend or Foe? (part 2)
Chapter 9 - Friend or Foe? (part 3)
Chapter 9 - Friend or Foe? (part 4)
Hey everyone! =) Thank you or sticking with me until now - I really appreciate your support! There will be much more to come in future. I am still trying to update webtoon to the same level as the current story is, so until then, please enjoy the quicker bulk-uploads (chapter 9 is the current one). Don't forget to leave a like, subscribe and a comment! =) Thank you for reading! <3