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- But Probably Not
- Absolute Truth
- The Greatest Minds are Highly Elevated
- Unlimited Cosmic Stupid Rat
- Brings out the latent masochism in me
- Something for everyone
- Not even exaggerating
- Can ya feel it?
- Better late than never
- Be honest its just better Dark Souls
- One thing leads to another
- Live in the moment
- A reclusive creature to be sure
- Only halfway joking
- bUt EmpLoYEes arE PaiD tO do tHAt
- Ain't all bad
- Skinny Privilege
- Suck it up buttercup
- You know how dogs is
- Call to the void and the void calls back
- Filthy CASUAL
- Some kind of nerd courting dance
- True awareness is a curse
- Honorless SCUM
- System has encountered an error
- Gender inequality
- Just be yourself
- I don't always make spaghetti, but when I do
- The plight of the polite misanthrope
- Video game catfishing
- Vanity, vanity
- It's rough, buddy
- This is what peak performance looks like
- Keep to the paved pathways, all else is no man's land
- Get a life
- Please sir, my self esteem, it's very sick
- In my defense, she earns it
- Edmund pls
- Psychoanalyze THIS
- Designing aliens
- Artistic epiphany
- Dog Girl -> Dog/Girl
- No escaping it
- Like children's playground games
- That 2 AM t h o r s t
- Lightweight
- All steps optional depending on series
- Unintended audience
- You never know what'll do you in
- Live and let live
- My body is a temple
- Sounds like someone stirring macaroni
- She old, she cranky
- Really gonna just steal my dopamine like that
- Pay respects to the eventual machine overlords
- To be fair, I wasn't wrong
- It'll drive a man to madness
- Careful what you wish for
- Justice
- In clarity, there is... regret
- Now I just need to channel that into something productive
- Don't think about it too much
- Dare to dream
- Round and round we go
- Pokemon Silver (spoon)
- Specificity matters
- My first and last experience on social media
- Law of the buffet
- Internet skepticism
- existentialism
- First priority
- Finally capitalizing on the primary market
- The warm fuzzies
- Not a gentle sleeper
- Physical limitations
- [redacted]
- Just wanted to see what it felt like
- Tree love is in the air
- Doubt
- Dear Japan, why?
- Sowing the seeds
- Go big or go home
- Noseblindness
- The first step in any game
- Hornithology
- The power of responsibility aversion
- Ways to build an RPG character
- Of two minds
- Sympathy farming
- Idealism vs Cynicism: opinions
- Tis the season
- Not the target demographic
- Divine power
- Social graces
- It's inevitable
- Pierces the soul
- Media snob
- The idea is usually short lived
- Different motivations
- No regerts
- Wouldn't mind it
- Damn boi he THICK
- Internet trolls
- Animal feet
- When he finally gets his VGU
- Existential overload
- Mass Effect
- Stretching limits
- Palpable hypocrisy
- Poor impulse control
- Got them scared vibrations
- Every neuron ready to fire
- Just following orders
- Intrusive thoughts
- Or substitute any other moderately complicated task, really
- The poor guy, every time
- Sends shivers up the spine
- I pass no judgement
- Lean into it
- It's just that easy
- How spicy is too spicy
- Comestible drama
- The subtleties of character design
- Something something ethical concerns
- Song of summoning
- Can't stop won't stop
- 9/10 doctors do not recommend
- Harsh barrier to entry
- Yeah sex is cool but
- Repeat offender
- We do what we must
- Don't get party wiped
- To catch a big fish you need the right bait
- They market it that way for a REASON dammit
- The right kind of day for that one particular song
- Maybe someday
- Put that where it belongs
- Ready for action
- You never know what might come in handy
- yeah I got nothing for this one
- Poor choice of words
- Different tools, different methods
- The dark truth about anime
- Warlock envy
- Well deserved
- Truly it inspires unspeakable dread
- A brief PSA to my extroverted friends out there
- Three strikes, you're out
- Just heals very cleanly I guess
- Screw it, I'm gonna go be a monk
- Can you feel it? the pain in his eyes?
- The brief career of contract assassin cat
- He may be a goon but his passion is THEATRE
- Aged to a lovely shade of jade
- He's trying his best
- Absolutely insufferable
- Kwispy
- Always the life of the party
- 0/10 alarm sound
- Odd source of validation
- A matter of perspective
- Excuse me while I get back on my horse
- Fighting unseen battles
- He's just misunderstood
- Moving to more proactive marketing
- Organic perspective, my old nemesis
- Did you leave the stove on?
- One track mind
- That time of the year
- The world keeps turning
- Can only work for so long
- The machinations of a twisted mind
- Childhood disillusionment
- The power of a kitchen sink
- They say he's the handsomest man in all the land
- It exists to spite God
- Other side effects not withstanding
- Lots of different benefits
- Ain't no spring chicken
- Probably coulda seen that coming
- The process to buying snacks
- The first hurdle to Bethesda games
- Giant furry toddlers
- And triple A killed it
- Professional faux paw
- Elden Ring has touched down
- Not even staying up past midnight smh
- Real, legit energy rocks
- Perfectly balanced
- The FromSoft mage experience
- Can never tell until it's too late
- Personal internet rule #1: pick your engagements
- The liver has no bravado
- Reminder that organic nature is a miraculous hellscape
- The blue cipher ring experience
- Maybe if there were bright flashing lights
- Frankly bizarre incidence rate
- Hair types and squished faces aside
- Vestigial paranoia
- Tarnished mind
- Maybe it's all a satirical work
- Personal internet rule #2: never listen to tiny purple
- My interactions with the local fauna in Elden Ring
- A brief dissertation, for your consideration
- Just wanted to be a, uh, diplomat
- O, my feeble will, my indolent heart
- Right music, wrong time
- Don't mind me just building internal lore
- Fromsoft npcs got me like
- You ever just wanna
- Very minor Elden Ring spoiler on this one
- On the spot
- But how is it so loud tho
- It's all about perspective
- Pure concentrated power of will
- Buncha friggin weirdos
- The trolley problem
- Fundamental difference in approach
- Sanity meter dropping fast
- One step from monke
- A reasonable explanation
- *Had
- Skibbi-dibbi-dib yo da-dub dub
- No ragrets
- In retrospect, probably unwise
- Death by a thousand ankle bites
- Sailing too many ships
- The eternal struggle
- I mean close enough really
- How it usually feels
- Just need an excuse
- The truth will set you free
- The natural conclusion
- Taking the week off
- Brothers and sisters, I have heard the wailing of hell
- One simple trick
- The real reason for two ring slots
- A betrayal of trust, once every couple weeks or so
- Sometimes you just need a fresh start
- Infectious tilt
- Alternative legalese
- How I imagine it usually goes
- What's the opposite of nostalgia goggles
- Necessary information
- Don't see that in the movies
- Emotional rollercoaster
- Call it a dramatic tone shift
- That which holds true
- It's a bird! It's a plane!
- Recurring design choice
- Catching a big break
- Unhealthy influence
- Ehh, semantics
- Anti-synergistic skillset
- The dark path
- Like a ninja
- Path of least resistance
- Love and loss
- You laugh you lose
- RNGesus don't care about backstory
- Not helping our case
- Advanced interfacing
- Open world, technically
- The human condition
- Moment before impact
- A modest proposal
- Addressing the real issue
- Curse of knowledge
- Dungeon bully
- Gone too soft
- Circadian rhythm's a bit touchy these days
- And then he takes my lunch money
- True test of competence
- Wasted energy
- Gotta work on that intonation
- Nature is amazing
- Mood swing
- The new game mod party
- Same, but different
- One for the lads
- More of a pi guy myself
- It was all downhill from there
- Chasing death
- Just eat your friggin cake
- If it isn't the consequences of my own negligence
- Hook, line, and sinker
- Breaking his spirit
- Went and made it weird
- Matter of necessity
- Morbid compulsion
- Don't know why it be that way but it do
- It's like I'm really there
- Don't get bogged down by the man, man
- Instructions unclear
- Questionable order of operations
- Different place, different story
- Statistical anomaly simulator
- Xcom rule #2: Don't get attached
- *Un-Scooby's your Dooby Doo*
- Likeliest outcome
- With change comes complications
- On the spot
- Cutscene contrivance
- You FOOL
- The consuming tide
- March of progress
- Absolutely arbitrary
- Technically speaking
- Couldn't agree more
- Never stood a chance
- Priorities
- Time is money
- Try it on, see how it fits
- Size does matter
- In the foreground of a more interesting comic
- It's a tenuous relationship
- I don't have a problem shut up
- Artistic liberties
- What's the difference
- Circumstantial principles
- Where else would they go
- The cow says moo, the chicken says buck
- What a coinkidink
- He takes his job very seriously
- Glass bones and paper skin
- Guess I have a new favorite food
- My impatience is killing me, repeatedly
- Why can't we have nice things
- Rookie mistake
- It's scientific
- *Insert anything else I should be doing here*
- Gotta blend with the locals
- Why have you cursed me with this knowledge, father
- After extensive research
- We are not so different, you and I
- Ain't nobody got time for that
- Professionals have standards
- And poor decisions
- Gotta get in there with a steel wire brush
- What is this "range" you speak of
- The flesh pudding does not learn
- Beauty, elegance, purpose
- Why yes I HAVE tried gitting gud
- Some real stark tonal dissonance
- The forbidden glow stick
- Just to clarify
- It's just different
- It smells fear
- Put up or shut up
- A single moment of distilled dread
- Activate tedium mode
- So close
- Stop making it weird
- Hits different these days
- Left my contingency in my other pants
- Alt path unlocked
- Creepy uncle Bob is that you?
- Physical awareness at maximum overdrive
- And yet we persist
- Ooh, mommy nature
- I don't want to be horny, I want to be happy
- Objective misunderstood (Christian Edition)
- The forbidden knowledge
- Call of Cthuwu
- Carefully evaluated
- The power of the sun in the palm of my hand
- Gotta keep things in perspective
- 5 Mass Effect playthroughs finally paying off
- [placeholder title]
- Got a bit of a deficit there
- How the mighty have fallen
- Why is that button even there
- Even in death
- Kids say the darndest things
some dms will make the effort to turn critical fails into unfortunate happenstance, so your cool badass doesn't look like an idiot and I respect that. but others will make your cool badass look like an idiot and dammit that's the shit I live for