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Meet Psi-Bolt!
Meet Network!
Meet Powerhouse!
Meet Fluxx!
Meet Blazefire!
Meet Conjur!
Bonus Art!
The Motorcade
Sudden Impact!
Not really an update!
Happy Gay Holidays!
The Vanishing!
It's Magic!
Let's get ready to Rumble!
Haters gonna Hate!
Don't Piss Off the Kitty!
Kitty-cat Ricochet
Fighting Back!
Insulated from your Protection
How Do you like your Superhero? Filleted or Cubed?
Sorry no Page update, just... WONDER WOMAN!!!
Burn Baby Burn!
Remember the fallen. PULSE.
Who's Fired Up Now?
If you Play with Fire...!
Who's your Daddy?
Shock Therapy
Fiends and Lovers
Justice 101
Even Stranger Things
Honey, I shrunk the Russian!
Where have y'all been?
Clean up! Aisle 6!
Let's Get Inspired for the New Year!
New Story on it's Way!
Casting Call!
Taking things slow but Coming Soon!
Welcome HOME!
Celebrate Love.
A Decent Proposal
Yellow = Sunlight; Green = Nature
Three's Company
Blue = Serenity; Purple = Spirit
Ex's and Oh NO SHe Didn't!
All Together Now!
Three's a Crowd
Mother Knows Best
Welcome to NationTown!
Everyone is Welcome!
Tickets Please!
Back in My Day!
Nice to Meet you!
Shhh! The Show's About to Start!
But first... a Word from our Hostess!
Enchanted Sea Creatures!
Miss Reyna Haari!
Who's in Charge Here?
Don't Stress Out!
Surprise! Look who just came to Town!
Family and Ex-lovers
And then there was Two.
I had no Idea you would be here!
Free Drinks Anyone?
Club Fantasies!
Club Wedding?
I Smell Trouble Brewing
Gay American Gothic
Opposing Forces
Moving On
Excuse Me... I couldn't help but notice how Cute you are.
Tell Me More About Where You're From
CONTENT WARNING: Torture and Violence Against LGBTQ people
Welcome to Chechnya
Gay Chechnya
Get by with a Little Help from my Friends
Surprise Trip!
Lesbians to the Rescue!
That Perfect Piece!
Mother Knows Best(?)!
Fashion Mishaps!
Happy Valentines Day!
Three's Company?
So Close Yet So Far Away
I'm excited to start another story! This particular one is very close to my heart and I can't wait to share it with you all! Much love to you!