Pink Lemonade
Ep. 83, Too excited May 24, 2021 like14,072 #96 EDIT
Ep. 82, What a waste~ May 17, 2021 like14,167 #95 EDIT
Ep. 81, Stare~ May 10, 2021 like14,575 #94 EDIT
Ep. 80, Sorry for interrupting May 1, 2021 like15,209 #93 EDIT
Ep. 79.5, Extra Apr 26, 2021 like15,736 #92 EDIT
Ep. 79, This is just infatuation Apr 19, 2021 like15,351 #91 EDIT
Ep. 78, Habit Apr 12, 2021 like15,895 #90 EDIT
White Valentines + announcement~ Mar 29, 2021 like11,671 #89 EDIT
Ep. 77, It was frightening Apr 5, 2021 like14,718 #88 EDIT
Ep. 76, Let's stay single together Mar 29, 2021 like15,830 #87 EDIT
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- grade 9.47 RATE
What is love? To some, it's like the high of a sugar rush with butterflies in their stomach. For others, it's a distant memory that leaves a bittersweet aftertaste. But in every love story, sweet and sour intertwines, creating a dense and gentle experience. Hm... if I could explain it figuratively, it's similar to a glass of pink lemonade.
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
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