Pink Lemonade
ep. 102, Worried Oct 4, 2021 like12,304 #116 EDIT
Ep. 101, Could you comfort me, even if it's for a second Sep 27, 2021 like13,535 #115 EDIT
Ep. 100, Waking up on the wrong side of the bed Sep 20, 2021 like12,655 #114 EDIT
Ep. 99, What is love? Sep 13, 2021 like11,912 #113 EDIT
Ep. 98, It's been 8 years Sep 6, 2021 like11,987 #112 EDIT
Summer Yokai Festival collab! Aug 24, 2021 like7,866 #111 EDIT
Ep. 97, I mean... It's possible but... Aug 30, 2021 like12,513 #110 EDIT
Ep. 96, Sailing soon?! Aug 23, 2021 like12,937 #109 EDIT
Ep. 95, Haircut Aug 16, 2021 like14,021 #108 EDIT
Ep. 94, Kyun~ Aug 9, 2021 like13,897 #107 EDIT
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- grade 9.47 RATE
What is love? To some, it's like the high of a sugar rush with butterflies in their stomach. For others, it's a distant memory that leaves a bittersweet aftertaste. But in every love story, sweet and sour intertwines, creating a dense and gentle experience. Hm... if I could explain it figuratively, it's similar to a glass of pink lemonade.
This series is rated Young Adult. Please review the Content Ratings page for more information.
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