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- The Duke of Neon Coast - part 1
- The Duke of Neon Coast - part 2
- The Duke of Neon Coast - part 3
- The Duke of Neon Coast - part 4
- The Duke of Neon Coast - part 5
- Sgt. Harris - part 1
- Sgt. Harris - part 2
- Sgt. Harris - part 3
- Sgt. Harris - part 4
- Sgt. Harris - part 5
- The interrogation - part 1
- The interrogation - part 2
- The interrogation - part 3
- The interrogation - part 4
- The interrogation - part 5
- Off the clock - Part 1
- Off the clock - part 2
- The Deal - Part 1
- The Deal - Part 2
- The Deal - Part 3
- The Deal - Part 4
- The Deal - Part 5
- Casa del Duque - part 1
- Casa del Duque - Part 2
- Chasing - part 1
- Chasing - Part 2
[Insert zoolander_meme_song.mp3] Welcome back to chapter 3! You might notice a new name down in the credits; make sure to give them a follow on their IG! They've been such a big help writing this thing and have been amazing to spar with these last months.