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Become a Patron- Ep01. Play!
- Ep02. Observe the Area
- Ep03. Talk.
- Ep04. Climb (DC6)
- Ep05. Fight! Cave Rat
- Ep06. Level Up! DEX + 1
- Ep07. Forest
- Extra1. Look at dis cat!
- Ep08. Blue
- Ep09. Enough is enough, lets go.
- Ep10. Talk?
- Ep11. Fight! Jelly Slime
- Ep12. Observe.
- Ep13. Hop to the next tree!
- Ep14. Look for shelter.
- Ep15. Hiss!
- The Gentleman's Rule
- Ep16. Help.
- Ep17. Flee!
- Ep18. Greet it.
- Ep19. Blue Lagoon Turtle Scale
- Ep20. Forage for resources.
- Ep21. Fight! Toadhound
- Ep22. Lawful Good
- Ep23. Strength
- Ep24. Stack it bottom up
- Ep25. Drop a pebble down the well.
- Ep26. Bow Respectfully
- Extra2. Summary: Forest
- Extra3. Forest Postmortem
- Extra4. Q&A
- PotTTB Season 2 Interlude
- Ep27. Mountain
- Ep28. Precipice
- Ep29. Identify (DC10)
- Ep30. Fight! Crystilisk
- Ep31. Strength
- Ep32. Observe the area.
- Ep33. Gift it a Flower Jelly!
- Ep34. Fight! Borffon
- Ep35. Heal with Fairy Dust.
- Ep36. Rub/Purr against Griffin!
- Ep36. Rub/Purr against Griffin!
- Bounce on Loose Rocks! (DC18)
- Ep38. Help.
- Ep39. Scavenge for Healing Items!
- Ep40. Yarn Bind!
- Ep41. Emotion?
- Ep42. Call for help! (DC15)
- Ep43. Identify (DC18)
- Ep44. Help them.
- Ep44. Interlude
- Ep45. Show The Flower of Youth.
- Ep46. Catch Myu, Koy carry you both, go after flower! DC(20)
- Look around this grand cavern for opportunities. (DC15)
- Ep48. Inform about Jovda Moc! (DC13)I will be streaming the
- I am smOrt. I know exactly what happened. (DC16)
- Ep50. Attempt to explain the situation again! (DC15)
- Ep51. All together, try to stop Jovda Moc! (DC5)
- Ep52. Arvya
- Ep53. Strength.
Happy April Fools!