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Become a Patron【NEW!】Prologue 1/3: Frutiger Zero
【NEW!】Prologue 2/3: Ambition
【NEW!】Prologue 3/3: Close Encounters of the Sour Kind
【NEW!】The Dark Castle
【NEW!】The Orange Boy
【NEW!】 Riki & Jin's Daily Quest
【NEW!】 It's Sour Time!
Bakita the Bully
Tea Time with Princess Riki
Salmon Night fever
Happy New Year!
The Wicked Within
A Very Handsome Devil
The Man of the Forest
You Need to Start Smiling!
The Old House
Thank You for 100 Subscribers !
For Goodness Snake!
Lobsters and Denim
C-C-Cold Fantasy
Love, Ice and Spiders
Wings of Winter
Better Sour than Never
A Painful Past
Angel in Green
Heart of Orange
Cloudy with a chance of Oranges
Tequila Sunrise
Oath under the Starry Night
Orange Megalo
Fragile Paths
The Legend Returns【announcement】
Reunion: 9/9
Happy Halloween!
New Episode Update!