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The Beginning
The Birdgirl
In A Sleepy Little Inn
A Birdy Morning
The Promise Of Paradise
What More Could You Want
That Worked Out
The Void
It's Fine
The Brunette Strolling By
Some Time Ago
The Lasses
Friend Art Feature: LollyDolli!
Chapter 2: Paul And The Marketplace
Prepping For The Day
Oh Boy It's Some Guy
Not That Good At Making Friends
You Win This Round
The Stolen Goods
Just A Dispute Maybe
Goddammit Paul
Big Smart
So Close
The Black Haired Lady!
Friend Art Feature: Annie-Mae!
Friend Art Feature: DiaThaDevil!
Chapter 3: the Tavern
It's Not THAT Bad...
Big Hurty
Bigger Hurty
The Anguish
What Now?
Later That Day
Aim A Bit Higher
Friend Art Feature: GioolioDraws!
Friend Art Feature: Demi-Glacey!
Chapter Four: The Figurine
A Little While Back
After The Shells
The House
Empty And Hollow
The Wardrobe
Maybe You Should Get Out, Maybe
Friend Art Feature: Vetrovnik!
Friend Art Feature: Blobri!
Chapter Five: The Meadow
A Trip To The Town
At Least A Silver
A Choice
The Forest
A New Friend Maybe
Where Have You Been
In The Vast Expanse
The Entity
A Wish
Outrageous Request
Waddya Want?
It's That Simple
Easy, Right?
You Better Not Fail
A Chance Perhaps
Friend Art Feature: Marta Todorović
Friend Art Feature: Alex Hoey!
Tea Time With Felicity
How DOES She Do That
A Little Help
Drink Up
Back To The Big Man Himself
Back In The Realm
I'm happy to share with you guys another amazingly talented artist, this time we have Vetrovnik! I adore how clean his colors are and how the background lilac makes the birdgirl pop pop out! I absolutely encourage you to give him a follow on these sites! Instagram: @vetroovnik Twitter: @vetrovnik_art