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Become a Patron1 - A Scam?
2 - Memory Mishap
3 - Butting Heads
4 - Enough Is Enough!
5 - Husks, Attack!
6 - Secret Protector
7 - Lord Z
8 - Need A Hand?
9 - Interrogation
10 - This Is My Life Now
11 - Bike Fail
12 - Pick A Partner!
13 - Within A Shadow
14 - Zeke
15 - We Saw Nothing
16 - Heist pt1
17 - Heist pt2
18 - What Can I Do?
A Little Thingy...
Notice! Call To Action - EndShadow
19 - By Your Side
20 - And The Show Goes On...
21 - A Summoning In The Boy's Bathroom!
22 - The Name's Ginkgo!
23 - Dun Dun Dun! The Abandoned Brewery Awaits!
24 - Into The Unknooooown~
I lied...
demoholic Reboot Ep 1
And that's about a wrap! Zeke's little introduction arc is concluded. Don't forget to read the new update schedule! I'll be releasing new episodes on the 5th, 15th, and the 25th or each month! Stay cool B)