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Become a PatronPrologue
Ep. 1 - [Intro Arc]
Ep. 2
Ep. 3
Ep. 4
Ep. 5
Ep. 6
Ep. 7
Ep. 8
Ep. 9
Thank You Art [10k]
Ep. 10 [End Intro Arc]
Ep. 10.1
Ep. 10.2
Ep. 10.3
Ep. 11 [Exam Arc Begins]
Ep. 12
Ep. 13
Ep. 14
Ep. 14.5 [extras, tutorial, QnA]
Ep. 15
Ep. 16
Ep. 17
Ep. 17.5
Ep. 18
Ep. 19 [End Exam Arc]
Ep. 19.5 X'mas Season Special + Raffle!!
Ep. 20 [Identity Arc Begins]
Ep. 21
Ep. 22
Ep. 23
Ep. 24 Mini Adventures with Ava
Ep. 25
Ep. 26
Ep. 27
Ep. 27.5 EXTRAS
Ep. 28
Ep. 30 [Identity Arc End]
Ep. 31 [ Summer School Arc Begins]
Ep. 32
Ep. 33
Im back
Ep. 34
Ep. 35
Ep. 36
Love Is....
Ep. 37
Ep. 38
Ep. 39
Ep. 40
Ep. 41
Raffle and QnA
Ep. 42
Ep. 43
Ep. 44 [Summer School Arc End]
NEW COMIC - Short Story contest
This is the End, Goodbye!
I NEED YOUR HELP! - Canvas Awards 2020
hi there..... i'm back! haha
It's Back! Originals launched
are you thoroughly confused? good. good.