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Become a PatronPrologue
Ep. 1 - [Intro Arc]
Ep. 2
Ep. 3
Ep. 4
Ep. 5
Ep. 6
Ep. 7
Ep. 8
Ep. 9
Thank You Art [10k]
Ep. 10 [End Intro Arc]
Ep. 10.1
Ep. 10.2
Ep. 10.3
Ep. 11 [Exam Arc Begins]
Ep. 12
Ep. 13
Ep. 14
Ep. 14.5 [extras, tutorial, QnA]
Ep. 15
Ep. 16
Ep. 17
Ep. 17.5
Ep. 18
Ep. 19 [End Exam Arc]
Ep. 19.5 X'mas Season Special + Raffle!!
Ep. 20 [Identity Arc Begins]
Ep. 21
Ep. 22
Ep. 23
Ep. 24 Mini Adventures with Ava
Ep. 25
Ep. 26
Ep. 27
Ep. 27.5 EXTRAS
Ep. 28
Ep. 30 [Identity Arc End]
Ep. 31 [ Summer School Arc Begins]
Ep. 32
Ep. 33
Im back
Ep. 34
Ep. 35
Ep. 36
Love Is....
Ep. 37
Ep. 38
Ep. 39
Ep. 40
Ep. 41
Raffle and QnA
Ep. 42
Ep. 43
Ep. 44 [Summer School Arc End]
NEW COMIC - Short Story contest
This is the End, Goodbye!
I NEED YOUR HELP! - Canvas Awards 2020
hi there..... i'm back! haha
It's Back! Originals launched
EDIT: cause so many people are guessing, i've given out all the hints needed to figure out who the father of Ava is OwO seriously. (some hints are in early eps) hehe Noooo Lyron, what are you doing! Bad boy! Bad boy! Also the floor auto regenerates..... cause I hate drawing cracks. Disclaimer: I used a million and one references for this episode. So yes, if a pose looks similar, I used refere