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- Here We Go!
- Outwit
- ... how?
- Meeting the Quota
- Out of Fuel
- The Limit
- Parenting Skillz
- Breakfast Texts
- Too Smart For My Own Good
- Asking For Free Art
- Early Bird
- Our Friend Insomnia
- A Meal For The Eyes
- Busted
- InfoDump
- Q and A ~ Featuring Angel!
- Clockwork Brain
- Welcome to Minnesota
- The Runaway Task 1
- The Runaway Task 2
- Fun With Genetics
- The Big Spill
- Pencils Vs. Inks
- Running Anxious
- Boing!
- Love is a Warm Family
- A Fun Grind (+ Fan Art!)
- New Numbers
- Trashketball
- Making Room For More!
- Handedness
- Popping Towels
- Water Bottle Laser
- Webtoons Thanksgiving!
- A Selective, Numeric Memory
- Evenly Napping
- Panic
- Kids Are Kids
- Whiteout
- Raising the Eyebrows (+ Crossword Bonus!)
- The Floodgates
- A Most Interesting Home
- Haircut Mystery (+ Gift Art!)
- Minnesnowta (+ New Year Bonus!)
- Cookin' Up Ideas
- My Babies
- Lost in the Cotton/Polyester Blend
- The Backup Alarm
- CODA Rite of Passage
- Helicopter Kids
- The Looming
- Family Recipe (+ Bonus Art)
- Goodbye, Streak!
- Just In Time
- Change of Plans
- Taking A Stand
- Leap of Filter
- Never Again
- The Accidental Setup
- Twins (+ Special Creature Guests)
- The Deepest Sleep
- Vee-Vee Hearies
- A Revelation (Q & A Open!)
- A Wee Bit Slippy
- Q & A Special
- Kitty Effect
- Litterbox Love
- The Birthday Queue (+ Bonus Art)
- Waddle
- Where Has My Brain Gone
- Photo Priorities
- The Right Alarm Clock
- Everything But
- Stretch and Squash
- The Food Trough
- Grumpy
- Just Checking
- Parental Assurance
- The Minnesotan Pastime
- Tru Biz Deaf Person
- The Backup Plan
- Come to Papa
- English Fingerspelling
- Time For...
- The One Room
- Where's My iPhone??
- One Implement At A Time
- All Flo'd Out
- Cuteness Overload (With Proof!)
- A Deep Stretch
- Good Morning Sunshine
- No
- Kitty Telepathy
- Safe Travels
- Racing The Brain
- Purr Therapy
- Kitty-Sense
- Jaws
- Flashback: Subjected To A Song (+ Bonus Mother's Day)
- 100th Episode - Guest Comic by Linko
- The Scent (+ Guests)
- Doppelgangers
- The Friendly Reminder
- A Day Too Far
- Expert Sniffer
- The Ultimatum
- Tandem
- Bath Mat
- Priorities
- Multi-Level Kitty
- Gaack Ptoo Ptoo
- Her Royal Patience
- An Artist of All Trades
- Cat Tricks
- Literally
- Them's the Breaks
- Duty Calls
- Butter Beggar
- Cruciferous Combo
- A Most Regnal Name
- The Studio Catwalk
- Squish
- Litterbox Rocket
- A Hard Reject
- Clothes With Cat
- Priorities
- Wild Curly Style
- Caught Kitty-handed
- Maximum Cuteness
- The Flexible Ones
- Out the In Door
- Disco Sunbeam
- yeah no
- Popping A Flat
- The Everlasting Question
- Pockets
- Pro Tip (+ Bonus Fashion Collab)
- Brötherly Love
- The Impending Brain
- Kitty Kirby
- Move Responsibly
- A Mind for Numbers
- Fascinating deTail
- Right Meow
- Time Warp
- Go Vote! - U.S. Elections
- Miss Particular
- What Marvin Thinks
- Knowing
- Reward System
- Magnetic
- An Important Time-Out
- Full Of Surprises
- Get The Mop, Kid
- The New House Tiger
- Kitty Raisins
- Miss Manners
- Overactive Alert
- Careful!
- Blown Cover
- Catmouflage
- Toebeans For Breakfast
- Brain Gaps
- It's Time!
- A Missing Tool
- The Momentous Day
- Kitty Alarm
- why are they as surprised as we are
- Traveling Thoughts (Read creator note!)
- The Monthly Home Run
- English Text
- A & Q
- Gourmand
- Chocolate Caper
- Doctor's Note
- guess what
- Very efficient, yes
- how dare
- Set It and Forget It
It takes conscious work to pay attention to where the kids are actually learning. Sometimes we parents get too specific on what we want kids to do and miss seeing where our kids are. It's better to be mindful and make sure that opportunities are open for them to grow.