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Become a PatronIt Came From the Closet
Devil's Hands
Twelve Years Later
Help Wanted
I Was So Happy
Stir Forwards, Stir Backwards
Alex and Cora
Shadow in the Window
Just an Interview
Beyond Anything You Can Imagine
Dressing Room
Plain White
Not Scary
Black Fear
Blood Money
Real Blood
Fine Wine
Heart Spike
Elizabeth Sparks
Not Going Back
The Vampire's Visit
Aggressive Impulses
Hell is Other People
Shadows on the Wall
Special: 1st Anniversary
Chocolate Milkshake
Dark Apartment
Black Branches
The Monster's Truth
Killer Cross
True Courage
Mona the Manager
Intermission: Phone Problems
Break Up
Richard Bright
Richard Bright Part 2
Scars of the Past
I'm Yours
Young Couple
Intermission: Stick/Customer Service
Blood and Thorn
Heated Conversation
MGL Character Sheet
Monster Hunter
Skeleton Key
Mark The Spot
Shot Through The Heart
Phone a Friend
Halloween Special
Demon Lily
Demon Celebration
Poison Petals
Sleep for Now
Christmas Special 2020
Demon Tears [Hiatus Announcement]
We wanted to produce some special stuff for the one-year anniversary and get it out before the end of the month. The next episode is still being worked on, no worries, and it'll be released either next week or after that. For now, enjoy this holiday treat. Art by DanielaArts and LittlestGahena