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- The Monster Under The Bed
- Home Office
- It's Today!!
- Do You Like Cookies?
- Atchoo!
- Wait!
- Will You Devour Me?
- The Mustache
- Tac! Tac!
- Do You Have a Name?
- Halloween
- My Turn Now!
- Meet the Authors!
- A Mysterious Tongue
- Magic!
- One, Two, ...
- I'll Call My Mom!
- You Won't Scare Me Anymore!
- Socks
- Always Here?!
- Oh! What now?!
- Trivia - The Mexican Hero!
- The Party
- Goal!
- Dinner!
- My Mom's Blanket
- All Back To Normal
- Jump, Jump!
- The Hand!
- A Challenge She Has To Face!
- Psst! Psst!
- Chomp, Chomp!
- Woof! Woof!
- The Boogeyman!
- Trivia - Brazilian Folklore!
- Cold Room
- Ladyfingers!
- Trivia - Translating Ladyfingers To Portuguese
- It wasn't me...
- Weakness
- I'm Afraid...
- How old are you?
- Have You Always Been There?
- Mister or Lady?
- Blankets
- Siesta
- Thoughts Before Sleep
- A Difficult Problem to Solve
- Baby Monsters
- The Future
- Trivia - Inspiration For The Name of the Series
- Memento Subway
- Something is Wrong
- Baby Bottle
- Who would win?
- Bunk Bed
- Dark Blue
- I Wanna Be...
- Can you reach the ceiling?
- Can We Be Friends?
- Video Game
- Toasted Bread
- Favorite Sweet
- I Made a Drawing
- Cleaning
- Jumping Rope
- Castles
- What Instrument Do You Play?
- The Race
- Can You Do It?
- Good Night, Mr. Monster
- Looking It In The Eyes!
- The President
- Rainning Night
- True Monstrosity!
- Catch The Ball!
- Dancing In The Dark
- Fairy Tales
- Camping
- Something is Different...
- Thunderstorm
- Pizza!
- Mom's Hat
- Turning the Table
- The Race 02
- A Fulfilling Life
- Anime
- The Dragon Cubes
- It's Halloween!
- Did we do the right thing?
- The Astronaut
- Night Fair
- Mosquito Hunters!
- Let's Watch Something Together?
- The Lamp
- The Big Robot!
- Vote For Me!
- The Cockroach!
- The Vinyl
- Count Dracula
- The Allowance
- Investment Fund
- How Are You So Scary?
- Christmas Wish
- Close to the End
- Good Night! (Season 01 Finale)
- Thank you, dear reader!
- Happy Holidays - Special
- Season 02 Begins!
- Everything Fades...
- Good Impression
- I Don't Want To Anymore!!
- Sabotage 01
- Sabotage 02
- Oh...
- Toy Bricks
- Deathbell Number 07
- How About You?
- Too Much...
- In There
- Organized
- Hush!
- The Therapist 01
- The Therapist 02
- Subscription
- Bad News
- Family
- Quiet
- It's Time!
- Preparations
- Monster Vacation 01
- Monster Vacation 02
- Monster Vacation 03
- The Substitute - Who Are You?
- Happy Holidays! - 2023
- Monster Code
- Doctor
- Lactose
- Messy Underbed
- Play
- What Time Is It?
- A Little Souvenir
- Let's Play!
- Favorite Mug
- World Record
- Division
- Why are there so many conflicts?
- Rich 01
- Rich 02
- Rich 03
- School
- First Day
- Sob Sob
- I Told About You
- Lost Game
- New Friends
- Shy
- Exchange Student
- Our History
- Monsterzord!
- Reading
- Hamlet
- Runaway
Hello everyone! We're taking a short hiatus to work on the second season of My Friend, Mr. Monster. We'll be back as soon as we have new material. It'll be somewhere in 2022! We might still release something in between seasons, but we'll see. Thank you so much for subscribing to our series, it means a lot to us! =)