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Life's Imponderables
Happy New Year
Saving Mr. Banks
Keith and the Jack Ryan Movie Poster
The Oscar Nominations
Keith's Delusion
Keith's "Surprise"
Keith's Valentine to Mr. McCarey
The Paper Bag Meme
The Most Difficult Question
The Essay Pt. 1
The Essay Pt. 2
The Essay Pt. 3
The Essay Pt. 4
The Unlucky Penny
Springtime for Keith
Keith's Bee Problem
Happy Easter
Where Are the Bees?
The Battlefield Earth Debate
The Blu-ray Query
Ordering a Pizza
Waiting for X-Men
Keith Being Too Literal
Keith Still Being Too Literal
Watching the World Cup
The Soccer Ball Problem
Keith's Concern
A Sad Discussion
Figuratively or Literally Chasing the Sun
Where's Mr. McCarey?
The Gandalf Question
Keith Gets "Scammed"
Looking for a Frisbee
Still Looking for a Frisbee
The One-Half Five-Dollar Bill
Getting Ready for Halloween
The Halloween Lesson
Nylund... Keith Nylund
Keith and the Idiom
Excited for Thanksgiving
Keith's Misinterpretation
Excited for Star Wars
Ordering a Pizza Again
Guess Who's Back?
Ordering a Pizza... Third Time's the Charm
With Apologies to Nic Cage
The Walgreens Theory
Keith and the Arcade Game
Keith's Sweet Compliment
Keith the Philosopher
Keith and the Depp-Heard Trial
Another Bee Problem for Keith
Keith's Silly Sense of Humor
Keith vs. The Bee
Contacting the King
Mr. McCarey's Favorite Movie Pt. 1
Mr. McCarey's Favorite Movie Pt. 2
Original Release Date: 5/18/14