113 Subscribers!!!! That's at least a hundred and ten more than I ever thought I'd get LOL. I know I took an unscheduled break last week but I'm just so sleepy.... Ermagundr, I decided to take your advice. From now on if I can't finish the next update in time, I'll post a doodle and wait for the next week. BTW, did I mention how much I love comments? :)
113 Subscribers!!!! That's at least a hundred and ten more than I ever thought I'd get LOL. I know I took an unscheduled break last week but I'm just so sleepy.... Ermagundr, I decided to take your advice. From now on if I can't finish the next update in time, I'll post a doodle and wait for the next week. BTW, did I mention how much I love comments? :)