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1 - Mooned
2 - Missed Connections
3 - Suspicion
4 - Intrigue
5 - Tattoo
6 - Better be Good News
7 - Joel Mann
8 - Job Offer
9 - G
10 - Thirsty?
11 - Werewolves 101
MoonBites 1 - Absolutely Not!
12 - Shifting
Gawyn Profile + Q&A
13 - Dee's Cafe
Joel Profile + Q&A
14 - Phone Call
Moonbites 2 - Hey
Moonbites 3 - Costume
15 - Jo's Home
16 - Renovating the Manor, huh?
17 - Payment
18 - Bite Mark
19 - Love Bite
Zeke Profile + Q&A
20 - Winnie
21 - Curious
Q&A - Answering all of your Questions!
22 - Help
23 - Et tu?
Moonbites 4 - Entitled
24 - Do you need a lift?
25 - Full Moon
26 - How Bad Can it Be? Pt 1
27 - How Bad Can it Be? - Pt 2
28 - Diet
Catherine Profile + Q&A
The Boys are coming Back
29 - A Small Request
What could Joel's dad possibly be teasing Zeke about, hmmm?