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Become a PatronWelcome to the Family (가족환영!)
Lunch (도시락)
Haircut (대머리클럽)
The Only Child (외동)
The Boss (더 보스)
Sims 4 (심즈 4)
Happy Birthday, Mom (엄마생일)
Korean Church (한국교회)
Stray Cat - 1 (들고양이 - 1)
Stray Cat - 2 (들고양이 - 2)
Girl Problem (여자문제)
Internet Shopping (온라인 쇼핑)
Halloween (할로윈)
Winter is Here! (겨울왕국)
Cousin 1 (사촌 1)
Cousin 2 (사촌 2)
Clean Room (방청소)
Home Video (홈 비디오)
Bicycles (자전거)
Ski Trip (스키 여행)
Valentine's Day (발렌타인 데이)
Mom and Dad 1 (부모님 1)
Mom and Dad 2 (부모님 2)
Cultural Clash (문화 충격)
Secret Recipe (비밀 레시피)
Grande Prairie (그랜드 프레리)
Tough Questions (힘든문제)
Snacks (과자)
Other Koreans (한국인들)
Grande Prairie (그랜드 프레리)
Larry the CivE (엔지니어 래리)
Choco Pie (초코파이)
Covid-19 (코비드 19)
Coffee Breaks (휴식)
Struggles of an Otaku (오타쿠)
Swim Team (수영팀)
Korean Drama (한국드라마)
Korean Ex-pat (한국 교포)
Kimchi Fridge (김치냉장고)
Swimming Team (수영팀)
Asian Cooking (아시아 쿠킹)
Kid vs. Adult (어른이)
Both! (둘다)
Bidet (비데)
Buffet (부페)
New Vacuum (청소기)
Eat All Your Food (다 먹어)
Party Animal (파티)
Konglish (콩글리쉬)
Japan Trip (일본여행)
Road Trips (여행)
Home Phones (집 전화기)
Family Blanket (담요)
Homemade (집 요리)
Motorcycles (오토바이)
Family Cars (자가용)
GP Trinity (그랜드프레리 삼위 일체)
Plastic Wrap (사란 랩)
Thermostat (온도기)
Spice Must Flow (향식료)
Helping! (도우미)
Seoul v. Busan (서울 v. 부산)
Free Stuff (사은품)
Check-In's (첵크인)
Annie Mae (애니메)
Headphones (헤드폰)
Mom's Help (도우미)
Cousin's Wedding (사촌 결혼)
Checkout Line (계산대)
Asian Tourists (아시안 관강객)
Daycare (도서관)
Class Seats (자리)
Blood Type (혈액형)
Profound Thoughts (생각)
Little Ceasar's (토론토)
Asian Cure (치료)
Chicago Architecture (시카고 건축)
The Farewell - 2019 (영화리뷰)
Korean Rice (한국쌀)
Makgulli (막걸리)
My vs. Our (나와 우리)
Perfect Skin (완벽피부)
Coronavirus (코비드 19)
Secrets (비밀)
Flashbacks (추억)
Education (교육)
Korean Market (한국 시장)
Water Purifier (정수기)
Springtime (봄)
Rusty Korean (서툰 한국말)
Night Snacks (야식)
Mi Goreng (미고렝)
Authentication (입증)
Asian Squat (아시안 스콰트)
Haemul-Jeon (해물전)
Dandelions (민들레)
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (폭탄해체)
Tuition (학비)
Diary and Comic (일기와 만화)
Mechanical Pencil (샤프)
One-Up (경쟁)
Postcards (엽서)
Summer Journal (여름 일기)
Childhood Cartoon (만화영화)
Paper Cups (종이컵)
Italy Towel (이태리 타월)
Cake (케익)
Disliked Food (싫은 음식)
Banana Flavored Milk (바나나맛 우유)
Hiking (산행)
Atypical Korean (다른 한국인)
Ankle (발목)
Superstition (미신)
Donair (도네어)
Shutdown (일시 휴업)
Spicy (매운맛)
Asian Pay (계산법)
Asian Butts (엉덩이)
Towel (타월)
Multiples (배수)
Offers (제공)
Cellphones (휴대폰)
Christmas (크리스마스)
Immigrating to Canada - 1 (이민 - 1)
Immigrating to Canada - 2 (이민 - 2)
Immigrating to Canada - 3 (이민 - 3)
Immigrating to Canada - 4 (이민 - 4)
Moving Out (독립생활)
Finances (돈)
New Roommate (룸메)
Pizza and Chicken (피자 치킨)
Asian Manners (예의)
Financial Management (돈 관리)
Rice Cooker (밥솣)
Berry Picking (과일따먹기)
Indoor Fan (선풍기)
Squishmallows (인형)
Blind Date (소개팅)
Chores (집안일)
Seafood (해물 요리)
Whistler (위슬러)
Backyard Fire (모닥불)
Surgery (수술)
Milk Tea (버블티)
Greeting (인사)
Whopper Wednesdays (버거킹)
Izakaya (술집)
Purple City (보라색 도시)
Safeway Race (할인)
Bed (침대)
Plastic Bags (비닐 백)
Milk (우유)
Pine Mushroom (송이버섯)
Proposal (약혼)
Asian Grandparents (할머니 할아버지)
Underwear (속옷)
Immigrating to Canada - 5 (이민 - 5)
Immigrating to Canada - 6 (이민 - 6)
Immigrating to Canada - 7 (이민 - 7)
Immigrating to Canada - 8 (이민 - 8)
Immigrating to Canada - 9 (이민 - 9)
Immigrating to Canada - 10 (이민 - 10)
Immigrating to Canada - 11 (이민 - 11)
Immigrating to Canada - 12 (이민 - 12)
Meeting Mirim - 1 (미림이와 만남 - 1)
Meeting Mirim - 2 (미림이와 만남 - 2)
Meeting Mirim - 3 (미림이와 만남 - 3)
Date with Mirim - 1 (미림이와 데이트 - 1)
Date with Mirim - 2 (미림이와 데이트 - 2)
Real Name (진짜 이름)
Survey Class (측량 수업)
Yakult Lady (야구르트 아주머니)
Crow (까마귀)
Oversized (오버사이즈)
Angus (앵거스)
Bottle Depot (재활용)
Expectations (기대)
Hangover Food (해장 음식)
Delivery (배달)
Car Wash (세차장)
Sparkling Water (탄산수)
Johanna and Kody (조하나와 코디)
Dumpling (만두)
Date with Mirim - 3 (미림이와 데이트 - 3)
Bird Chasing (새 잡기)
Garden (텃밭)
Networking (네트워킹)
Alberta Beef (알버타 소고기)
Stuck in My Head (귀벌레 형상)
Meeting Parents (부모님들의 만남)
Motorcycle Trip (오토바이 여행)
Cleaning House (집청소)
Sleep (잠)
Chuseok (추석)
Gary (개리)
Kewpie Mayo (큐피 마요)
Mirim's Art (미림이의 미술들)
New Look (나 어때?)
Road Trips (차 여행)
Episode 200 Special (200화 특집)
New Year's Tradition (새해맞이)
Single's Inferno (솔로지옥)
Cousin Sarah (세라)
The Meatball (미트볼)
Theo and I (티오와 나)
Gas Monitor (가스 측정기)
Blender (믹서기)
Calgary (캘거리)
Cold Weather (추운 날씨)
English Name (영어이름)
Safety Meeting (안전미팅)
Pepero (빼빼로)
Aluminium Pot (양은냄비)
Old Neighborhood (옛날 동네)
Safe Work Observations (산업 안전)
Professional Enginner (기사 자격증)
Action Camera (액션캠)
Car Show (모터쇼)
Otafest (오타페스트)
Spiderman (스파이더맨)
CD Player (CD 플레이어)
Green Line - 1 (그린 라인 - 1)
Water Main Break (상수도)
Green Line - 2 (그린 라인 - 2)
Moving Truck (이사짐)
Motherlode Park City (커스텀 셔츠)
Kokedama (코케다마)
Across the Lake Swim (호수 수영)
French (프랑스어)
Jjajangmyeon (짜장면)
Double Espresso (더블 에스프레소)
Bike Commuting (자전거 통근)
Hockey Team (하키 팀)
Jimmy (지미)
Nostalgia (추억)
Coffee Grinder (커피 그라인더)
Name (이름)
Flight (비행기)
Look Back (룩백)
Responsibility (책임감)
Dodgeball - 1 (피구 - 1)
Dodgeball - 2 (피구 - 2)
Culinary Class Wars (흑백요리사)
Tire Change (타이어 교체)
Winter Food (겨울음식)
Tsushima Island - 1 (대마도 - 1)
Tsushima Island - 2 (대마도 - 2)
Potatoes (감자)
Old McNally's Honey (맥날리의 꿀)
Wayne and I (웨인과 나)
Busan - 1 (부산 - 1)
Busan - 2 (부산 - 2)
Busan - 3 (부산 - 3)
Busan - 4 (부산 - 4)
Mom, always the tsundere. Is it just me or literally every mom is like this? Updates every Wednesday!