Hello everyone!
LTTK will be back on Wednesday, July 29th (2 week hiatus). Episode 6 is already completed so you can, for sure, expect an episode.
I didn't take account my pacing and my 6 episode buffer dropped to 1!
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ I've established a much faster system now and I'll be taking the next two week to build my queue back up. (for my heart's sake) Hope to see you then!
Hello everyone! LTTK will be back on Wednesday, July 29th (2 week hiatus). Episode 6 is already completed so you can, for sure, expect an episode. I didn't take account my pacing and my 6 episode buffer dropped to 1! ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ I've established a much faster system now and I'll be taking the next two week to build my queue back up. (for my heart's sake) Hope to see you then! -ROBO