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Become a PatronPg 1: What a Goal!
Pg 2: What's Wrong?
Pg 3: Do You Remember?
Pg 4: Uncomfortable
Pg 5: Painful Reminders
Pg 6: Condescending
Pg 7: Persistent
Pg 8: Get Some Food
Pg 9: Run-Ins
Pg 10: Opening My Horizons
Pg 11: Joining the Date
Pg 12: Something to Ask
Pg 13: Paying Him Back
Pg 14: Little Question
Pg 15: Old Time's Sake
Pg 16: I'm Begging You
Pg 17: You'll...What?
Pg 18: For Her Crew
Pg 19: Can I Take Your Order?
Pg 20: One More Thing
Pg 21: No Free Time
Happy Halloween 2022!!
Pg 22: Charitable?
Pg 23: Lingering Pain
Pg 24: Messed Up Again
Pg 25: Early Morning
Pg 26: Apology Breakfast
Pg 27: I'm Sorry
Pg 28: What Did You Think
Pg 29: Pre-Recorded
Pg 30: Caught Off-Guard
Pg 31: Manipulative
Pg 32: A Shy Girl's Fear
Pg 33: The Panic
Pg 34: Might Have A Spot
Pg 35: Her Savior Arrives
Pg 36: She'll Do It
Pg 37: A Tad Shy
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2022!!
Pg 38: Their Theatre Curse
Pg 39: Sure, Mom...
Happy New Years 2023!!
Pg 40: Mother's Assurance
Pg 41: What Exactly Happened?
Pg 42: Faux Pages
Pg 43: Wasn't Fake
Pg 44: Her Support
Pg 45: Lost to Time
Briefly Explaining 1
Pg 46: Graduation Party
Pg 47: Enough Games
Pg 48: Getting Into Her Head
Pg 49: What Did She Say?
Pg 50: Lightbulb Moment
Pg 51: All the Doubt
Pg 52: Missed It All
Pg 53: A Sneaking Suspicion
Pg 54: Totally Don't Care
Pg 55: She Didn't?
Pg 56: Don't Know, Don't Care
Pg 57: Family-Friendly
Pg 58: What's That Even Mean?
Pg 59: Romance Drama
Pg 60: Because of Her
Pg 61: Sounds Familiar
Pg 62: No Kidding
Pg 63: Lost Everyone
Pg 64: He Won't Do That
Pg 65: Frustration
Pg 66: Grocery Run In
Pg 67: Mother-In-Law
Pg 68: Get Over It
Pg 69: Why Are You Here?
Pg 70: True Line of Work?
Pg 71: Regrets
Pg 72: You Sure About That?
Pg 73: Feigning Interest
Pg 74: Bad Idea
Pg 75: Her Plan
Pg 76: How Sad
Pg 77: Then So Be It
Pg 78: Running Away
Pg 79: A Visitor
Pg 80: Don't Lie to Mom
Pg 81: Mama Bear Ain't Happy
Pg 82: That'll Do It
Pg 83: Terrified
Pg 84: Don't Forget Brother!
Pg 85: On Your Side
Pg 86: Inside Source
Pg 87: Second Guessing
Pg 88: What Were You Saying?
Pg 89: Meddling Mother
Pg 90: Follow Through
Pg 91: Playing Dirty
Pg 92: Too Much Pride
Special Episode: Hero/Villain Swap Collab
Pg 93: Inspiring!?
Pg 94: Fallen Into Her Trap
Pg 95: It Isn't That Easy
Pg 96: Such an Idiot
Pg 97: Just to See
Pg 98: It's the Old Crew
Pg 99: Wouldn't Miss It for the World
Pg 100: Wasn't That Good
Pg 101: Welcome to Emerson
Pg 102: Got Your Back
Pg 103: A Few Good Memories
Pg 104: That's Her Problem
Pg 105: Prompted
Pg 106: Where It All Started
Pg 107: Sydney's Idea
Pg 108: Fright Behind
Pg 109: An Old Friend
Briefly Explaining 2
Pg 110: Molly Knows
Pg 111: That's a Laugh
Pg 112: What a Jokester
Pg 113: Molly's Flashback
Pg 114: The Incident
Pg 115: Should Be Grateful
Pg 116: One Last Chance
Pg 117: Trying to Stay Together
Pg 118: Wolf in Sheep's Wool
Pg 119: With a Motive
Pg 120: Risk it All for Satisfaction
Pg 121: Leave it to Me!
Pg 122: Keep Pushing
Pg 123: The Shock and Fear
Pg 124: Better or Worse?
Pg 125: Is She Still Around?
Pg 126: The "Savior" Arrived
Pg 127: Exit Stage Left
Pg 128: Where's the Princess?
Pg 129: Annoyed Already...?
Pg 130: Where Else to Look?
Pg 131: Just Like You
Pg 132: Surprise!
Pg 133: Go Check it Out
Pg 134: Popping Out of Nowhere
Pg 135: Holding Grudges
Pg 136: Olive Knows
Pg 137: In the Midst of it All
Pg 138: Gotta Sell it Better
Pg 139: Quality of Theatre
Pg 140: A Good Captain Goes Down with their Ship
Pg 141: Catching Up
Pg 142: The Perfectionist
Pg 143: Not Exactly Legal
Pg 144: Looking for Lost Memories
Pg 145: I See Nothing
Pg 146: Memory Lane
Pg 147: Everything Could Go Wrong
Pg 148: Snapping Back
Pg 149: Take Five
Pg 150: Constant Surveillance
Pg 151: Why Take It?
Pg 152: No Worries...At All
Pg 153: State Your Business
Pg 154: Not Going Unnoticed
Pg 155: Luke's Plus-1
Pg 156: Deja Vu
Pg 157: What Am I Doing?
Pg 158: Awesome??
I'm 25 now
Pg 159: Loyalty
Pg 160: I'd Hope So
Pg 161: Protective Sister
Pg 162: Speak of the Devil
Pg 163: I Know You...
Pg 164: Crazy Enough
Happy Halloween 2023!!
Pg 165: Promise!
Pg 166: Baby Brother
Pg 167: Cheesy is Okay
Pg 168: Director Knows
Pg 169: Fighting On
Pg 170: Be Honest
Pg 171: Propped Up
Pg 172: Never Learn
Pg 173: Not Out of Earshot
Pg 174: Sophie Snaps Back
Pg 175: Prepared
Pg 176: What's Your Plan?
Pg 177: Last Chance?
Pg 178: Repeat Yourself
Pg 179: Move on, Already
Pg 180: Pitiful
Pg 181: Caught Her Eye
Pg 182: Unlikely Help
Pg 183: Mystery Solved
Pg 184: TattleTale
Pg 185: Square One
Pg 186: Confusion Begins
Pg 187: Why Me?
Pg 188: Certain Someone
Pg 189: Openly Flirty
Pg 190: Holding Her Character
Pg 191: Mocking
Pg 192: Slip of the Tongue
Pg 193: Talking to Axel
Pg 194: Food Poisoning
Pg 195: Before Olive Does
Pg 196: Emma's Turn
Pg 197: Not Convinced Yet
Pg 198: Where's the Trust?
Pg 199: Go Home
Pg 200: Personal Problems
Pg 201: Kept in Contact?!
Pg 202: Kept it from Her
Pg 203: Giving Up
Briefly Explaining 3
Pg 204: Another of Her Lies
Pg 205: Cooperation
Pg 206: What Have You Done?
Pg 207: Wouldn't Be the Same
Pg 208: Maintaining Composure
Pg 209: Warning
Pg 210: That's a Start
Pg 211: Lingering Fear
Pg 212: Shower Thoughts
Pg 213: All For Nothing
Pg 214: Calm the Conspiracy
Pg 215: Already Annoyed
Pg 216: Her Own Improv
Pg 217: No Whistleblower Needed
Pg 218: Threatening
Pg 219: Don't Fall Again
Pg 220: Carefree
Pg 221: What's Going On?
Pg 222: Attitude Driven
Pg 223: Rightfully Mine
Pg 224: There You Stood
Pg 225: What are You Hiding?
Pg 226: Tensions Rising
Pg 227: She's Cracking
Pg 228: Last Look
Pg 229: Casting
Pg 230: Souvenirs
Pg 231: From the Top!
Pg 232: What Happened, Olive?
Pg 233: Julie's Parents
Pg 234: Not the Friend I Once Knew
Pg 235: On a Leash
Pg 236: Makeover??
Pg 237: Put More Emotion into it!
Pg 238: Being Petty
Pg 239: Calm your Nerves, Julie
Pg 240: Get Rid of Her...
Pg 241: Emergency Contact
Pg 242: Isn't Without Merit
Pg 243: She's Strict. Play Only.
Pg 244: Calling in Backup
Pg 245: Perfect Teacher
Pg 246: Quick Catch-up
Pg 247: Wanting to be a Cop
Pg 248: Outcast
Pg 249: You ARE His Mother!
Pg 250: A Little Normalcy
Pg 251: Hoping it Stays
Pg 252: Aww, How Sweet!
Pg 253: The Professional Stage
Pg 254: Easy Day
Pg 255: It's Worked Once
Pg 256: Guest Appearance
Pg 257: Your Favorite?!
Pg 258: Eyes on Someone
Pg 259: Genuine Anger
Pg 260: Don't You Dare...
Pg 261: How Useless
Pg 262: Getting Physical
Pg 263: Karma Will Bite Back
Pg 264: Backed into a Corner
Pg 265: Put the Plan into Action
Pg 266: Stop Acting like a Child!
Pg 267: Shock Factor
Pg 268: Going Too Far
Pg 269: The Cafe
Pg 270: Close Call
Pg 271: Phase One of the Plan
Pg 272: Framed
Pg 273: Spreading Lies
Pg 274: Principal's Word
Pg 275: Luke's Pleas
Pg 276: Ends in Defeat
Pg 277: Loyal No Matter What
Pg 278: Stomach Dropped
Pg 279: Explanation?
Pg 280: Fighting Back Heartbroken
Pg 281: Ditching Her
Pg 282: Emergency!!
Pg 283: Burning Down
Pg 284: Destroyed
Pg 285: Who. Did. It?
Pg 286: Only One in the Back
Pg 287: Not Again...
Pg 288: Good Luck...
Pg 289: You Don't Run This Stage
Pg 290: Anything but a Good Day
Pg 291: More Info
Pg 292: Face-To-Face
Pg 293: Recognized
Pg 294: Just as Bad
Pg 295: Drunk on Power
Pg 296: Caught Undercover
Pg 297: Abandoned by Family
Pg 298: Starting to Understand
Pg 299: Follow Behind Her
Pg 300: PERFECT!!
Pg 301: Julie Tries to Improv
Pg 302: Kill the Fantasy
Pg 303: Better Know What You're Doing
Pg 304: It Won't End There
Pg 305: Interrupted
Pg 306: She's Back?!
Pg 307: I Want Her GONE!
Pg 308: I Know Your Games
Pg 309: Don't Play with Fire
Pg 310: Back in Line
Pg 311: Saturday
Pg 312: Filled Them In
Pg 313: Can I Tell You Something?
Pg 314: What You Left Behind
Pg 315: Plan Ahead
Pg 316: Loves Drama
Pg 317: His...Savior?
Pg 318: We'll Be Ok
Pg 319: Hell Week
Pg 320: A Weird Path
Pg 321: Mama Bear
Pg 322: Normalcy is Gone
Pg 323: Out of Proportion
Pg 324: Master of My Craft
Pg 325: Mr. Casanova
Pg 326: Party Just Started
Pg 327: Hardworking
Pg 328: Compliments!
Pg 329: Element of Surprise
Pg 330: Zoning Out
Pg 331: Deep Question
Pg 332: Mother Dearest
Pg 333: Death Glares
Pg 334: One Last Talk...
Pg 335: ...One Last Chance
Pg 336: No Regrets, No Hesitation
Pg 337: Julie's Address
Pg 338: Mockingbird
Pg 339: Sweet Baby Boys
Pg 340: Past Encounters
Pg 341: Be the Bigger Person
Pg 342: Bleeding Sarcasm
Pg 343: Nova Being a Mom
Pg 344: Don't Chicken Out
Pg 345: Low on Energy
Pg 346: Proud of You All
Pg 347: What To Do After?
Pg 348: Plan is Settled
Pg 349: Preparation
Pg 350: Island Pride
Pg 351: Fair Trade?
Pg 352: Supportive Dad
Pg 353: A Whole List of Problems
Pg 354: Leaving Her Speechless
Pg 355: Stage Fright
Pg 356: She Said It!!
Pg 357: Scene One
Pg 358: Hidden Away
Pg 359: Keep It Up!!
Pg 360: Pushing for Info
Pg 361: The Ex
Pg 362: Agonizing to Watch
Pg 363: All Masks Fall
Pg 364: Undercover Agent
Pg 365: Quiet Please!
Pg 366: Subtle Mission
Pg 367: Farrah the What?
Pg 368: A Crack Shown
Pg 369: Sidetracking
Pg 370: Playing Wingman
Pg 371: Nudge the Point
Pg 372: Eye-Catching
Pg 373: Recipe for Disaster
Pg 374: First Intermission
Pg 375: Short Fuse
Pg 376: Symbolism
Pg 377: Knows Nothing!!
Pg 378: Going Green
Pg 379: Beginning of the End