The Times They Are A-Changin' Part-2 Sep 12, 2020 like10 #12 EDIT
The Times They Are A-Changin' Part 1 Sep 4, 2020 like12 #11 EDIT
The wheel of fate Aug 23, 2020 like13 #10 EDIT
Harbinger of doom Aug 15, 2020 like21 #9 EDIT
Memories part 2 Aug 1, 2020 like17 #8 EDIT
Always on the clouds Jul 18, 2020 like25 #7 EDIT
Perséfone Jul 11, 2020 like25 #6 EDIT
Leaving The High Ground Jul 4, 2020 like29 #5 EDIT
Pitch Black Jun 27, 2020 like33 #4 EDIT
The Begining Part-3 Jun 20, 2020 like37 #3 EDIT
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What substance are dreams made off? Is a question that three students in the sixth grade will ask themselves, to whom La Habana is still an infinite an everchanging playground. Regardless when the adult world starts to menacingly approach, our protagonists must make a choice that could affect the entire world. All that while the collision between the real and the imaginary produces.
This series is awaiting a Content Rating assignment from its Creator.