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- The Adventure Begins!
- Act 1 Cover
- Together Forever
- A Friendly Battle
- Lilly the Pup
- The One Capture Rule
- Enter the Firedog
- Love Me Not
- Striaton Gym
- Broccoli
- Dreamyard
- Prof. Fennel and Amanita
- Day After
- Sentry Duty
- The Rescue!
- Short Stuff
- Training
- Patrats!
- On Your Feet
- Fighting Spirit!
- Nightmare
- Awkward Silence
- The Museum
- Lenora
- Dog Fight
- What a Mess!
- The King's Eyes
- On the Road Again
- Team Plasma
- Castelia City
- Plasma Hideout
- Insect Badge Get!
- Desert Battle
- August Rush
- Lost and Found
- Bonus: Best of Friends
- Expedition
- Desert Resort
- Desert Goodbyes
- Act 2 Cover
- Act 3 Cover
- Act 4 Cover
- Nimbasa City!
- Ferris Wheel
- The King
- Rising Star pt 1
- Rising Star pt 2
- Good Girl
- Next Step
- Boxed
- Act 5 Cover
- Beauty and Grace
- Driftveil City
- Bonus: Allergies
- Criminals
- Community Service
- Bonus: LilDog
- Fish Sandwitch
- Clay
- Big Pig
- Act 6 Cover
- Chargestone Cave
- Questions
- Juniper
- Mistralton City
- Muddy Water
- Skyla
- Major
- Celestial Tower
- Jet
- The Jet Badge
- The Bell of Heaven
- Act 7 Cover
- Twist Mountain
- Rivals
- Limits
- Expedition
- Excavation
- Cheren
- Icecream
- Fluffy
- Friends
- Dragon Spiral Tower
- Dragon
- The Grunts
- Percy
- Stairs
- The Boy
- Ninja
- Zekrom
- What's the Plan
- Act 8 Cover
- The Heist
- Sands of Time
- Opelucid City
- Drayden
- City Lights
- Jet's Black Nuzlocke Q&A
- Dark Night
- Pandemonium Pt 1
- Little Lapses- Coming Soon!
- Pandemonium Pt 2
- News Report
- Stones and Bones
- Jet Vs Cheren Part 1
- Jet Vs Cheren Part 2
- Act 9 - Cover
- Goodbye
- Lil'dog
- Brothers
- The Old Lakefront
- The Truth
- Heist - Take Two
- Roll Call
- JBN Popularity Poll
- One for All
- Popularity Poll Results
- Into the Castle
- A Ghost of a Chance
- Ante Up
- Fists of Fury
- Sir Francis
- Darkest Hour
- Confrontation
Always liked an idea of a giant ancient pokemon that acts as sort of a guardian of a terrain, like not really actively in control but has been there so long the pokemon in the area respect it and stuff. Kinda like the gods in Princess Monoke tho those were more active in their role.