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“Dsyelxia” (JC#6)
“The Last Mouth Breather” (JC#14)
“The ‘Murican Job” (JC#16)
“Daniel the Spider” (JC#36)
"Daniel II: He Lives" (JC#38)
"Hair: The Non-Musical Exploit" (JC#56)
"Brenda Schlosser" (JC#23)
"Daniel III: Candice Strikes Back" (JC#40)
"Thanks, Sputnik" (JC#57)
"Step Aside Michael Bay" (JC#15)
"Sun Queen" (JC#41)
"Janine vs. Brenda: Game and Prey" (JC#43)
"A Day at Work" (JC#44)
"The Testy Final" (JC#45)
"Meet Norm [edited]" (Halloween Special, JC#42)
"As Narrated by Mel Gibson (Holiday Special)" (JC#46)
"Brenda and the Four Seasons" (JC#47
"Jan and the Poison Pill of Dieting" (JC#48)
"Face off (Kinda)" (JC#49)
"Opal and Dr. King" (JC#50)
"App Store Patent Pending" (JC#51)
Cast of Characters, Part 1 (Exclusive for Webtoon)
“Valentine’s Day, Part III” (JC#52)
“Prelude in B” (JC#53)
“The Plan” (JC#54)
“Rat Burger”, Page 1 (JC#55)
“Distance Learning” (Special)
“Rat Burger”, Page 2 (JC#55)
“Quarantine: Day 67” (Special)
“Rat Burger”, Page 3 (JC#55)
“Coffee Time With Candice” (JC#18)
“Rat Burger”, Page 4 (JC#55)
“Candice Everdeen” (JC#19)
“Rat Burger”, Page 5 (JC#55)
“Rodeo Ball” (Reader Thank You!)
“Best F(r)iend Arguments” (JC#20)
“Rat Burger”, Page 6 (JC#55)
“Rat Burger”, Finale (JC#55)
“Hair: the Non-Musical Exploit...” (JC#56 Re-Upload)
“Hypocrisy, Dope!” (JC#58)
“Everybody had a Web Dream” (JC#59)
"Candy on the Clock" [Edited for Webtoon] (JC#60)
“The Fault in Our Old Klingon Proverb” (JC#61)
“Fistfuls of Vengeance” (JC#62)
Thank You! (Halloween 2020 Bumper)
Halloween Exclusive (JC Special)
“Manipulation of the Masses” (JC#63)
Halloween Exclusive (JC Special)
“Phoebe & Charli” (JC#64)
“Order Down” (JC#65)
“Execute Retcon 66” (JC#66)
“A ‘Janine-Wolf’ in America” (JC#67)
“When the Swiper Stopped Swiping” (JC#68)
Thank You! (New Bumper!)
“Say My Name” (JC#69)
“Phoebe McHatten” (JC#70)
“Season 1: Abridged” (JC 1-40)
“Season 2: Abridged” (JC 41—70)
“Bloody Mary, Part 1” (JC#71)
“Bloody Mary, Part 2” (JC#72)
“Bloody Mary, Part 3” (JC#73)
Merry Christmas! (2020 Special)
“Bloody Mary, Part 4” (JC#74)
“Bloody Mary, Part 5” (JC#75)
“Stochastic Atonement or Sincere Apology?” (JC#76)
“Alternative Forecasts” (JC#32)
“The New Mark on the Block” (JC#77SP)
“In Color” (JC#78)
“Flattery” (JC#79)
What’s the Point of No Return? (Quarantine Special)
Summer Update!
“Butterflies” (JC#80SP)
Reader Thank You! (New bumper)
“Where’s Your Heretic Now?” (JC#81)
“The New Barista” (JC#82)
“Moisturizer” (JC#83)
“It’s Actually Pronounced ‘Fee Bee’” (JC#84)
“Coffee Time: Part 2” (JC#85)
“The Many Lives of Daniel the Spider” (JC#86)
“Brenda versus Phoebe” (JC#87)
“Return to the Rat” (JC#88)
Janine and Candice, now with BL (Special/Update)
“Pet Test” (JC#89)
“To Eat or Not to Eat” (JC#90)
“Lost in Transmittance” (JC#91)
“The Exorcism of Phoebe, The Hairetic” (JC#92)
JC Alternates - #76
“Frenemies” (JC#93)
“Blow Me” (JC#94)
“Eat Me” (JC#95)
Published to Instagram 2016, edited for WEBTOON 2020. It’s funny how often this happens, right? I decided to update the aesthetic of Rat Burger a bit between comics. This is during a point of Ret Con for Janine and Candice where I’m going back to old forgotten comics and updating them. This will be addressed next comic (which I’m actually starting from scratch :P).