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“Dsyelxia” (JC#6)
“The Last Mouth Breather” (JC#14)
“The ‘Murican Job” (JC#16)
“Daniel the Spider” (JC#36)
"Daniel II: He Lives" (JC#38)
"Hair: The Non-Musical Exploit" (JC#56)
"Brenda Schlosser" (JC#23)
"Daniel III: Candice Strikes Back" (JC#40)
"Thanks, Sputnik" (JC#57)
"Step Aside Michael Bay" (JC#15)
"Sun Queen" (JC#41)
"Janine vs. Brenda: Game and Prey" (JC#43)
"A Day at Work" (JC#44)
"The Testy Final" (JC#45)
"Meet Norm [edited]" (Halloween Special, JC#42)
"As Narrated by Mel Gibson (Holiday Special)" (JC#46)
"Brenda and the Four Seasons" (JC#47
"Jan and the Poison Pill of Dieting" (JC#48)
"Face off (Kinda)" (JC#49)
"Opal and Dr. King" (JC#50)
"App Store Patent Pending" (JC#51)
Cast of Characters, Part 1 (Exclusive for Webtoon)
“Valentine’s Day, Part III” (JC#52)
“Prelude in B” (JC#53)
“The Plan” (JC#54)
“Rat Burger”, Page 1 (JC#55)
“Distance Learning” (Special)
“Rat Burger”, Page 2 (JC#55)
“Quarantine: Day 67” (Special)
“Rat Burger”, Page 3 (JC#55)
“Coffee Time With Candice” (JC#18)
“Rat Burger”, Page 4 (JC#55)
“Candice Everdeen” (JC#19)
“Rat Burger”, Page 5 (JC#55)
“Rodeo Ball” (Reader Thank You!)
“Best F(r)iend Arguments” (JC#20)
“Rat Burger”, Page 6 (JC#55)
“Rat Burger”, Finale (JC#55)
“Hair: the Non-Musical Exploit...” (JC#56 Re-Upload)
“Hypocrisy, Dope!” (JC#58)
“Everybody had a Web Dream” (JC#59)
"Candy on the Clock" [Edited for Webtoon] (JC#60)
“The Fault in Our Old Klingon Proverb” (JC#61)
“Fistfuls of Vengeance” (JC#62)
Thank You! (Halloween 2020 Bumper)
Halloween Exclusive (JC Special)
“Manipulation of the Masses” (JC#63)
Halloween Exclusive (JC Special)
“Phoebe & Charli” (JC#64)
“Order Down” (JC#65)
“Execute Retcon 66” (JC#66)
“A ‘Janine-Wolf’ in America” (JC#67)
“When the Swiper Stopped Swiping” (JC#68)
Thank You! (New Bumper!)
“Say My Name” (JC#69)
“Phoebe McHatten” (JC#70)
“Season 1: Abridged” (JC 1-40)
“Season 2: Abridged” (JC 41—70)
“Bloody Mary, Part 1” (JC#71)
“Bloody Mary, Part 2” (JC#72)
“Bloody Mary, Part 3” (JC#73)
Merry Christmas! (2020 Special)
“Bloody Mary, Part 4” (JC#74)
“Bloody Mary, Part 5” (JC#75)
“Stochastic Atonement or Sincere Apology?” (JC#76)
“Alternative Forecasts” (JC#32)
“The New Mark on the Block” (JC#77SP)
“In Color” (JC#78)
“Flattery” (JC#79)
What’s the Point of No Return? (Quarantine Special)
Summer Update!
“Butterflies” (JC#80SP)
Reader Thank You! (New bumper)
“Where’s Your Heretic Now?” (JC#81)
“The New Barista” (JC#82)
“Moisturizer” (JC#83)
“It’s Actually Pronounced ‘Fee Bee’” (JC#84)
“Coffee Time: Part 2” (JC#85)
“The Many Lives of Daniel the Spider” (JC#86)
“Brenda versus Phoebe” (JC#87)
“Return to the Rat” (JC#88)
Janine and Candice, now with BL (Special/Update)
“Pet Test” (JC#89)
“To Eat or Not to Eat” (JC#90)
“Lost in Transmittance” (JC#91)
“The Exorcism of Phoebe, The Hairetic” (JC#92)
JC Alternates - #76
“Frenemies” (JC#93)
“Blow Me” (JC#94)
“Eat Me” (JC#95)
Written/Illustrated by Matt Gregory, 2020. We continue our “Mary Newmark Arc” with part 4 of “Bloody Mary”. I’m having a great time with this story and continuing the exploration of style, composition, and character development! Next comic will be released January 10th! Thank you for reading :)